Let me show you The REAL State of the U.S. Economy I know many - TopicsExpress


Let me show you The REAL State of the U.S. Economy I know many of my friends, colleagues, and family members are still in serious denial about a major currency crisis in the United States. But this is natural... In the world of psychology, they call this the normalcy bias. You see, the normalcy bias actually refers to our natural reactions when facing a crisis. The normalcy bias causes smart people to underestimate the possibility of a disaster and its effects. In short, people believe that since something has never happened before... it never will. We are all guilty of it... its just human nature. The normalcy bias also makes people unable to deal with a disaster, once it has occurred. Basically... people have a really hard time preparing for and dealing with something they have never experienced before. Whats scary is the normalcy bias often results in unnecessary deaths in disaster situations. For example, think about the Jewish populations of World War II... As Barton Biggs reports in his book, Wealth, War, and Wisdom: By the end of 1935, 100,000 Jews had left Germany, but 450,000 still [remained]. Wealthy Jewish families... kept thinking and hoping that the worst was over... Many of the German Jews, brilliant, cultured, and cosmopolitan as they were, were too complacent. They had been in Germany so long and were so well established, they simply couldnt believe there was going to be a crisis that would endanger them. They were too comfortable. They believed the Nazis anti-Semitism was an episodic event and that Hitlers bark was worse than his bite. [They] reacted sluggishly to the rise of Hitler for completely understandable but tragically erroneous reasons. Events moved much faster than they could imagine. This is one of the most tragic examples of the devastating effects of the normalcy bias the world has ever seen. Just think about what was going on at the time. Jews were arrested, beaten, taxed, robbed, and jailed for no reason other than the fact they practiced a particular religion. As a result, they were shipped off to concentration camps. Their houses and businesses were seized. Yet most Jews STILL didnt leave Nazi Germany, because they simply couldnt believe that things would get as bad as they did. Thats the normalcy bias... with devastating results. We saw the same thing happen during Hurricane Katrina... Even as it became clear that the levee system was not going to work, tens of thousands of people stayed in their homes, directly in the line of the oncoming waves of water. People had never seen things get this bad before... so they simply didnt believe it could happen. As a result, nearly 2,000 residents died. Again... its the normalcy bias. We simply refuse to see the evidence thats right in front of our face, because it is unlike anything we have experienced before. The normalcy bias kicks in... And we continue to go about our lives as if nothing is unusual or out of the ordinary. Well, were seeing the same thing happen in the United States right now during this currency crisis. We have been the worlds most powerful country for nearly 100 years. The U.S. dollar has reigned supreme as the worlds reserve currency for more than 50 years. Most of us in America simply cannot fathom these things changing. But I promise you this, things are changing... and faster than most people realize. For a moment, just look at a tiny fraction of the evidence around us... ** 1/6TH OF POPULATION NOW ON FOODSTAMPS Did you know that there are now more than 47 million Americans on food stamps? Those numbers are up 65% since 2008 and that translates to roughly 1 in 6 Americans according to the Washington Post. And in some towns, like Woonsocket, Rhode Island, one-third of the population is on food stamps. Can a country really be in good shape when one out of every six citizens cant even afford to buy food? Or how about this... ** 43% OF AMERICAN FAMILIES ARE ESSENTIALLY BROKE According to a recent article on MSN Money, about 43% of American families spend more than they earn each year. Look at this chart... its unbelievable: Americans hold $13.1 TRILLION in household debt. And of those households carrying debt, the average credit card balance is a whopping $15,270, as of January 2014. Its no wonder... The U.S. Census Bureau says the median household income in America is actually 9% LOWER today than it was in 1999. So how in the world can we possibly spend our way out of the current crisis? We certainly cant do it with savings... or increased earnings... the only answer is to print more money, which will hasten the fall of the U.S. dollar as the worlds reserve currency. And that brings me to... THE MYSTERY OF DISAPPEARING JOBS Theres simply no one better at bending statistics than the U.S. government. Take the unemployment rate, for example. Back in the 1930s, anyone without a job but not retired was considered unemployed. Today, however, the government calculates unemployment mainly by counting the number of people receiving unemployment benefits. So when unemployment benefits expire, people are no longer counted... and the unemployment rate actually falls! Ridiculous... I know. And how about this... Every month, 14 million Americans get a disability check from the government. In some states, like West Virginia, nearly 10% of the entire working age population is on disability. In some rural counties, like Hale County, Alabama, 25% of the working age population gets a disability check. Of course, because these folks arent officially in the job market, they dont count in the governments official unemployment numbers. In other words, the reality is, the true unemployment rate is much, much higher than what the government is reporting. In fact, even a news site as mainstream as CNBC says the figures may be misleading and could be more like 13.1% as of January 2014. But to me, the really disturbing figure is not the manipulated unemployment rate... but rather a different statistic: The percentage of working age, able-bodied people who are actually participating in the work force. Economists call this the Labor Force Participation Rate, and this number has continued to plummet in America. In other words, more and more people are just giving up... no longer looking for work, but relying on the government or other handouts. Take a look at this chart... If you dont believe me, look at the facts... Not too long ago, American Airlines announced it was hiring 1,500 new flight attendants – jobs that pay an average $23,000 per year. Twenty thousand applicants responded -- so many that American stopped taking resumes after eight days. A Forbes article near the end of last year described the amazing scenes at Walmart hiring centers. When a new Walmart opens, with 300 or so jobs, many paying less than $12 an hour, its typical to have more than 10,000 job applicants. The point is, our country is not creating jobs, because the government is making it harder and harder for businesses to thrive. And with current regulations in place, our country will never experience the type of growth necessary to dig our government out of the hole theyve put themselves in. Im sure you think Im exaggerating, but just look at what the CEO of one of Americas most important companies said recently: Intel CEO Paul Otellini said in a speech: I can tell you definitively that it costs $1 billion more per factory for me to build, equip, and operate a semiconductor manufacturing facility in the United States. He said that 90% of the additional costs are not from higher labor rates... but from higher taxes and regulatory charges, which other nations simply dont impose. Cypress Semiconductor CEO T.J. Rodgers agreed that the problem is not higher U.S. wages, but anti-business laws. He was quoted in an interview with CNET News saying: The killer factor in California for a manufacturer to create, say, a thousand blue-collar jobs is a hostile government that doesnt want you there and demonstrates it in thousands of ways. Few Americans today realize that the United States has overtaken Japan and now has THE highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. Why would anyone want to start a business here, when they can do it for less money... and keep more of the money they make... by locating elsewhere? Its just another good reason to avoid the U.S. dollar... So is this... DEBT-RIDDEN U.S. COMPANIES Did you know that in 1979, there were 61 American companies that earned a top-level triple-A credit rating from Moodys? Today, there are only three: Johnson & Johnson, ExxonMobil, and Microsoft. Does this sound like an economic recovery to you... when only three companies in the entire country are stable enough to earn a triple-A credit rating? Me neither. And think about this... can you really have any triple-A-rated companies in a country where the government is not triple-A-rated? I dont have the answer for that, and so far, these companies have not been downgraded along with the U.S. government. But remember, most of their assets are in U.S. dollars, so it could soon mean big problems for these companies as well, even though theyve been as conservative and responsible as possible with their finances. Thats the thing you need to remember. It doesnt matter if you personally have a good credit rating, or very little debt. When the U.S. dollar goes down as the worlds reserve currency, it will be a disaster for EVERY American and for nearly every asset in America. You simply must take some simple steps to protect yourself as much as possible. This currency crisis is going to get much, much worse. Its going to make the mortgage crisis of 2008 look like a walk in the park. Almost every state in the country is on the verge of bankruptcy. The federal government has borrowed an impossible amount of money, which well never be able to pay back. Our economy is an absolute mess. Taxes are sky high already... and now Obama in his second term has raised taxes even higher. Im sure well see more tax hike proposals in the years to come too. Plus nearly all of the worlds major financial players are preparing for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the worlds reserve currency. To me, it is so obvious that we are about to experience a serious currency crisis, I cant believe people can deny this reality with a straight face. And I think thats part of the problem... Today its common to find editorials in some of the most respected publications, like the New York Times, stating that its impossible for the U.S. to have a debt crisis. But I promise you, the people making such idiotic claims today are going to be humiliated when this all unfolds. Theyll be just like the guys pumping Internet stocks in 1999... or the guys saying real estate could never go down in 2005. In hindsight, it will all appear to be so obvious—yet today for most people the idea of the U.S. dollar collapsing is still an unfathomable event. And if you still have your own doubts that this could really occur, just take another look at the price of gold and silver compared to the U.S. dollar over the past decade. And think about this... The only reason many people buy precious metals like gold and silver is because they realize there are major problems with saving money in ordinary currencies. And since 2000, gold is up more than 300%... while silver is up around 250%. Yes, gold and silver have fallen back significantly in 2013. But this is natural, normal correction after such astonishing moves over the past dozen years. And I promise you this, both gold and silver are going much, much higher than their highs of recent years, and much, much higher than their current prices today. And think about this: People have lost so much faith in the U.S. dollar, they are pouring money into radical alternatives like Bitcoin. I wouldnt touch Bitcoin with a 10-foot pole, but because people have lost so much faith in the U.S. dollar, it soared more than 8,000% in 2013. Absolutely insane. The point is: Anyone with any sense or basic understanding of economics can tell the U.S. dollar is doomed. And as it continues to collapse, its going to have major repercussions. Yet most Americans are completely clueless about what this all means. And as Ive mentioned several times throughout this presentation, this entire process is going to accelerate dramatically in the next few months, because of the dramatic law change that took effect July 1st, 2014. Heres whats happening... In 2010, the U.S. Congress passed House of Representatives bill H.R. 2847. Hidden within this bill is a provision known as FATCA, which stands for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. This bill does several important things, as of July 1st, 2014: 1. It forces all worldwide banks to comply with the IRS if they handle any transactions in U.S. dollars. 2. Because the U.S. dollar is still the worlds reserve currency, it essentially means ALL WORLDWIDE BANKS, except for the smallest community institutions, must comply. 3. To comply, banks can either spend a fortune segmenting, tracking, and potentially taxing their U.S. dollar transactions by as much as 30%... or simply get rid of all of their U.S. customers. In other words, the U.S. government has said to all banks around the world: If you deal in U.S. dollars in any way, you have to give us full, unfettered access to all of these transactions... or you have to get rid of all of your U.S. customers. The repercussions here are enormous: For one, it means more and more institutions will move AWAY from the U.S. dollar, accelerating the already rapid worldwide move away from the dollar as reserve currency. For another, it essentially makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the average American to get some of his money out of U.S. dollars, and into more stable currencies via foreign banks. Already, weve seen two of the largest banks in the world, JP Morgan Chase and HSBC, basically eliminate international wire transfers. Many small banks have reportedly followed suit. And we expect many, many more banks to basically outlaw international wire transfers, the run up to this new July 1st law. Weve heard several reports already of banks now refusing to accept American citizens deposits. And this trend is going to accelerate rapidly in the months to come. This is a clear example of Capital Controls. This is what a broke and desperate government does when they know the value of their currency is about to collapse. Weve seen governments around the globe pull these stunts over and over again... right before a currency devaluation or collapse. And now its happenings right here, in the United States of America. So, what can you do? Well, Ive done a lot of research on this development, and despite the July 1st, 2014 law change, there are still a surprising number of simple things you can do to not only protect what youve currently got, but to also potentially make quite a bit of money as this currency crisis unfolds. Heres what I recommend... Please At Least Consider These Simple Steps In order to protect and possibly even grow your wealth in the next few years, theres a series of pretty simple financial moves I believe you should begin making, immediately. And heres something I want you to keep in mind: Right now, all of these moves are easy and fairly straightforward to implement. But if you wait to do these things, I believe they will almost certainly get very expensive, difficult, and even impossible to do. If you do these things now, not only will you be better prepared to weather the coming storm, I believe you could also make quite a bit of money over the next few years. And if Im wrong about this whole thing... if we dont have a currency crisis at all in the next few years... well... thats the best part... I think youll still make very good gains. Even if all we get out of this crisis is mild inflation, you will still be set up to do very, very well. So here are the specific steps you should take... STEP #1. GET SOME OF YOUR MONEY BEYOND THE REACH OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT (its perfectly legal, and a lot easier than you think). I know you probably dont believe me when I tell you that the U.S. government is going to implement policies to save itself, that are unimaginable right now. But remember, desperate governments will do very desperate things. Thats why they outlawed the ownership of gold 80 years ago. Thats why they are already talking about nationalizing automatic 401(k)s and retirement plans. Thats why the government is making it harder and harder to open foreign bank accounts (more on this in a minute), or to move your money overseas without paying outrageous taxes. That is why the IMF published a report in October 2013, examining all of the options for broke and indebted governments. One of its recommendations is a wealth tax on anyone with positive net wealth. In other words, anyone with ANY savings. The IMF says the government could simply put a 10% tax on EVERYTHING of significant value that you own, including bank accounts. The study concludes: The appeal is that such a tax, if it is implemented before avoidance is possible and there is a belief that it will never be repeated, does not distort behavior (and may be seen by some as fair). There have been illustrious supporters... [and] The conditions for success are strong. As Ive repeatedly said: Desperate governments do desperate things... and all of these desperate moves are coming very soon, right here in America. In fact, they are already underway. The good news is, my team recently met with a man who is considered one of the top asset protection attorneys in America. In short, we learned that there are four simple investments you can make right now, which you DO NOT have to report to the U.S. government. Dont get me wrong... When and if you ever sell the assets I describe, years down the road, you are still required to pay taxes on your gains. But the great thing is, while you are holding these investments, so long as you play by the rules, neither you nor anyone else is required to report them to the government. And this benefit should be obvious... The less the government knows about where you have your money, the better. It will simply have a very hard time taking what it doesnt know you have. I am personally putting a fairly significant portion of my portfolio into one of these assets. And I plan to hold it for a long time. No matter what happens, I know Ill have a significant amount of money that is beyond the governments grasp. Im not going to tell you exactly what Im doing here in this letter, but I will explain everything in full detail in my new report, called: The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government. And I will gladly give you access to a copy, free of charge. In addition to explaining how Im protecting my own money, Ill show you three other places you can put your money, which you legally do not have to report to the U.S. government. Of course, normally it would cost you thousands of dollars to meet with my asset protection attorney, and to take advantage of his best strategies. But Ill reveal everything you need to know to get started in this report. Plus, Id like to send you information on... STEP #2: HOW TO ACQUIRE THE WORLDS SAFEST ASSETS, WHICH ARE LIKELY TO PERFORM BEST DURING THIS PERIOD. What Im talking about here is buying as much gold and silver as you can reasonably afford. I know... gold has had a huge run, jumping more than 300% in the past decade. And after 12 years of going straight up, gold finally had a correction last year. This is completely normal. But its soaring again in 2014. And if you havent bought gold yet... or havent bought enough to protect yourself, I strongly recommend you do it soon. Believe me, when the U.S. dollar loses its status as the worlds reserve currency, this early run and the current correction are going to be mere afterthoughts. I will be surprised if gold does not reach $5,000 an ounce or $6,000 an ounce in the next few years. The smartest money managers in the world, people like George Soros, David Einhorn, and John Paulson, have all recently taken huge positions in gold. Even Bill Gross, the bond king, who is one of the richest men in the world and over the past 20 years has become one of the worlds top bond experts, is now recommending buying gold. And I think you are crazy to not do the same. How should you do it? There are many, many options. And thats why my research firm has recently published a great report, called The Gold Investors Manual, which details all of the best ways to own and hold gold bullion. In this report, we reveal dozens of secrets about the gold industry... specifically the best ways to buy, sell, and store your gold. It explains why some gold coins are better than others. How to buy gold with ZERO dealer markup. How to easily and safely store some of your gold overseas, very cheaply... where to hide it... and so much more. Not regularly available for sale, this book is valued at $24. Id like to give you instant access to a copy, totally free of charge. And what about silver? Well, I believe silver will serve a unique role during this currency crisis. Let me explain... For most of recorded history, the price of gold has been around 16 times the price of silver. This ratio – the so-called silver ratio – has fluctuated from time to time based on silver discoveries and attempts by governments to regulate the silver-to-gold ratio. But... in a free market, where demand for silver as money exists, Id expect the natural supply and demand balance to lead to a silver price around 1/16 times the price of silver. Its not, of course. Today, gold is selling for more than 50-times the price of gold. What explains the difference between hundreds of years of history and today? Why is silver still so cheap relative to gold? When silver is demonetized, as it is now (meaning its not being used for money, but just for ornamental and industrial purposes), supplies soar as people sell silver for gold and other currencies. On the other hand, during periods of monetary crisis, demand for silver as money pushes the silver ratio heavily in silvers favor. For example, the ratio returned to its historic range of (16to 1) during World War I. It happened again in the early 1970s, when Nixon abandoned the gold standard. It also happened most famously in 1979-1980, when it seemed as if America was really entering a serious money crisis. I believe the gold to silver ratio will get much closer to 16 to 1 in the next few years. As a result, silver owners will make a heck of a lot of money. As the dollar fails, silver will once again be in demand as money. And as this demand materializes, the free market price of silver will likely return to around 1/16 the price of gold. When gold hits $2,000 an ounce, and assuming the price of gold is 16 times the price of silver, silver should be worth about $125. Currency expert, Chris Weber, believes silver will likely hit $187 an ounce. If that happens, you could make gains of over 800% if you invest at todays prices. Keep in mind: In just the past 11 years... since 2003... gold is up a bit more than 250%... while silver is up well over 300%. In short, silver is the best hedge against a money crisis. And you want to own as much as possible, as cheaply as possible. So what are the best ways to buy silver? Well, my firm has done a ton of research on this precious metal. We have found great ways to hold the metal... and more. Weve put everything we know into a valuable guide called: Secrets of the Silver Market. Id like to give you access to this valuable resource, also free of charge. Ill show you how to get it in a second. But first let me get to the third financial step I recommend you take right now: STEP #3: LEARN THE 100% SECRET If you want the opportunity to make a lot of money during the coming crisis, one sure way to do it is to learn the intricacies of an unusual investment strategy that is now making some investors an absolute fortune. At my research firm, we have been teaching readers this method for several years. And get this: You dont have to buy a single stock to begin using this strategy... and it has nothing to do with shorting. In a nutshell, this is an approach that could enable you to safely extract gains of exactly 100% from the market... without ever owning a stock. Keep in mind: this strategy can play out in two very different ways. Though youll always be able to keep the initial cash you extract from the market, there is a chance you will be required to purchase the underlying stock, at a price less favorable than its current market value. So please understand, there is risk involved with this strategy, and it probably wont be right for everyone. But this can be such a sound market strategy, especially in times of financial uncertainty, that once you learn how it works, you might decide to never invest the old-fashioned way again. Thats why I call this the 100% Secret. For example, look at how it has worked for a few of the folks I taught this secret to in recent years... Please keep in mind: to protect these folks privacy, I list only their first name and last initial. Also, it’s important to know that the money you make depends in large part on how much you invest. So your experience with this technique could vary dramatically from the experiences of these folks below. Still… there is no denying this technique has helped many subscribers achieve extraordinary results… Aric G. began using this strategy. He says he now makes an average of $10,000 per month. And Dave R. told me hes made over $87,500 with this technique. Betty H. now collects an average of $100 a day. Another, Henry W., has made over $20,000. Tommy H. probably put it best when he wrote me and said: This has saved my portfolio. Of course, I’m not the only one recommending this strategy. A financial author named Lee Lowell writes: Ive been a professional trader for 17 years... but many people have never heard of a [this investment], let alone used this strategy. This is a great way to get your hands on instant cash. And a Pulitzer Prize winning author James Stewart said: [These payouts] are so rich I consulted a colleague to make sure they were real. This poorly understood strategy is how weve helped dozens of people make incredible gains, even in a terrible stock market. And in all likelihood, when the stock market gets really bad, as I expect it soon will, this will be incredibly lucrative and a safe strategy. Everything you need to know is in my new report called: The 100% Secret – The Easiest Way to Make Money When Stocks are Risky. Ill explain exactly how this investment strategy works so you can decide if its something that might be right for you. And Ill show you how you could begin to take advantage of it, starting immediately. Believe me, this is something you want to learn about now. Because as the stock market begins to unravel, this incredible technique will likely get more and more lucrative. And that brings me to: STEP #4: MAKE SURE YOU OWN THE ONE ASSET THAT CAN HELP SAVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, NO MATTER HOW BAD THINGS GET. Theres no telling exactly how bad things are going to get as this crisis unfolds. I firmly believe there could be riots, marches in the streets, bank runs, massive arrests, and periods of uncontrollable mayhem... at least for several months as things begin to unravel. But the good news is, there is one asset you can own (now widely available in America), which should help protect you and your family from this chaos... and could also likely make you a fortune in the years to come. Im not talking about guns or bonds or gold or other precious metals... or anything like that. And of course this has absolutely nothing to do with the stock market. What Im talking about is a very powerful asset that wealthy families have used for centuries to protect themselves... and preserve and build their fortunes. An index tracking this asset has absolutely crushed the stock market. Since 1992, its returned well over 900% gains. Best of all, it provided these gains with almost no volatility. Just look at the chart below. See how that black line goes straight up, without any hiccups? Multimillionaire investor Barton Biggs wrote that this type of asset, throughout history, protected both your wealth and your life. During World War II, for example, when millions of families lost their entire life savings through inflation or government seizure, this was the one asset that enabled some families to protect, preserve, and grow their money. What the average American doesnt realize is that many of the richest people in the United States have a significant ownership stake in this asset: The Walton family (of Wal-Mart fame), Bill Gates, Ted Turner, the Hilton family, Charles Schwab, Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen, the Hunt family (of Texas oil fame), the Hearst family, the Ford family, and more. But today, probably less than 1% of the population owns it today... but it is readily available, and fairly inexpensive. Ive written up all the details on everything you need to know. My full report is called: The Worlds Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis. There are several ways to make this investment. Ill show you what they are. Like I said, this has nothing to do with stocks, bonds, precious metals, guns, medicine, or anything like that. Yet it could save your family... and make you very wealthy in the coming years. As my multi-millionaire friend Doug Casey says, its the ONE THING you should own in the years to come. I dont want to say any more about it than that, here in this letter. The truth is, the fewer people who know about this investment secret, the better. So how can you begin taking these simple steps, right away? Well, my company, Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, is a financial research firm. We have a staff of about 150 people, and our main objective is to find safe and profitable investment ideas that you are not likely to hear about anywhere else. Since we started this business 15 years ago, we have helped a lot of people make a lot of money... In fact, we receive literally hundreds of email messages every week. Believe it or not, I still read ALL of them, and I publish both the best feedback and a lot of the worst feedback in my daily Digest letter, which goes out to all paid subscribers at the end of every day. Here are a few examples of the folks who have benefited most from our work. Keep in mind, these extraordinary results are not typical of all our subscribers, but they are quite remarkable, nonetheless… Howard T. wrote recently to say: My IRA has gone from a low of $315,000.00 to the present high of $952,000.00. I can only thank [you] for changing my life so much. Donald K. also contacted us recently to say: Since joining, my portfolio has grown by several hundred thousand dollars. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship. We even got an interesting note recently from a reader named U.R., who says he has been making a small killing – enough to buy a nice-sized boat and a house in Mexico. Heres the photo he sent (below). And he added: We took delivery of her 3 weeks ago and are cruising the Bahamas. In October we will take her through the Panama Canal over to the Pacific side since I just bought a home in Mexico... Then there was the nice note from Mervyn P. He said: I was working long hours with overtime to make a living when I joined you. The excellent results have allowed me to retire early. Believe me, nothing makes me feel better than receiving notes like these. And today we have literally tens of thousands of notes from our readers over the years, in our Baltimore headquarters. But I have to tell you, right now, I am really worried that a lot of our subscribers and many, many hard-working Americans are going to get caught totally by surprise when this crisis escalates. People have watched the stock market rebound to higher levels than we saw before the last financial crisis. Theyve watched real estate prices jump back up. And they mistakenly think the worst is behind us... when in reality all thats been done is to pile on more debt. Weve basically papered over our debt problems with more debt. Can you imagine if your family was in debt and you decided to solve the problem by simply borrowing more and more money? We all know that would be a disaster for a family—yet many supposedly smart people think it could actually work for a country. The sad truth is, it can work only as long as the rest of the world is willing to accumulate more and more U.S. dollars... and only as long as the U.S. dollar remains the worlds reserve currency. As weve seen, on both counts, those days are coming to an end. Even with all that has happened in recent times... the downgrade of the U.S. government by Standard & Poors... the spike in gold and silver prices... the calls for a new world currency... many Americans STILL arent taking the steps necessary to prepare themselves. These folks are going to be in for a very rude awakening. I sincerely hope you are not one of them. Thats why I created this presentation, and thats why Id like to send you the full details on exactly how I believe this is all going to unfold... and exactly how to protect yourself and even prosper during these once-in-a-lifetime events. Remember... The government is not going to save you: Think about this: If the government couldnt rescue just one city after a natural disaster in New Orleans, how is it going to save all of us when the entire country is in a crisis? You can either let things happen to you... or you can take a few simple steps and take charge of your familys fate. You know, its funny, when we began writing about the looming collapse of the bond market and the risks to the U.S. dollar, a lot of people called us right-wing nut jobs or gold bugs. But that was when silver was still trading for less than $12. And when gold was well under $1,000. That was before food prices soared. It was before the Fed began to print trillions of new dollars every year and before Standard & Poors downgraded our countrys credit rating. That was before one of the biggest and most historically significant cities in the country (Detroit) went bankrupt... before we realized that our annual deficits have grown so large that we couldnt close the gap even if we doubled taxes... and before Barack Obama essentially DOUBLED our net public debt. Before our government decided to print $65 BILLION each month, to buy up our own debt. We knew all of these things were going to happen... even though it was hard to believe our own conclusions. And, we know all of these problems are going to get worse. Much, much worse. The fact is, we cant afford our debts. We cant stop printing money. And as a result, were going to see a massive dollar crisis. The only question is... What will it take for you to recognize the crisis for what it is? How high will gold have to go? How many banks will have to be seized by the FDIC? How high will oil have to soar? Or food prices? Or foreign currencies? When will you finally realize theres a problem...? I hope you will act now. When the coming currency crisis hits a critical state, it will happen very, very quickly. If our government suddenly finds itself unable to sell bonds at a reasonable price, the U.S. dollar will collapse and become nearly worthless, overnight. Its sad, but most people—even smart and successful people—will do nothing. They will continue to assume tomorrow is going to be pretty much the same as today. Mark my words: As this currency crisis snowballs, these people are going to get wiped out. Please, dont let that happen to you and your family. You can give my research a look, and receive everything Ive mentioned here, at absolutely no risk or obligation. Simply let me know youd like to take a trial subscription to my monthly newsletter, Stansberrys Investment Advisory, and I will immediately give you access to: Research Report #1: The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government Research Report #2: The Gold Investors Manual Research Report #3: Secrets of the Silver Market Research Report #4: The 100% Secret – The Easiest Way to Make Money in a Risky Stock Market Research Report #5: The Worlds Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis Also, on the first Friday of each month, Ill send you my monthly newsletter, Stansberrys Investment Advisory. Ill keep you up to date on exactly whats going on regarding this financial crisis, and Ill show you some unusual and incredible ways to make money now and as the currency collapse continues to unfold. We have found some great ways to make a fortune as the government continues to try to bail out one failing industry after another. Ill also keep you up to date on what I am doing to protect myself. Ill make sure you stay abreast of changes to the laws and government interventions. And... every day the markets are open, Ill send you my paid-subscribers-only email called the Stansberry & Associates Digest. In short, I report on all the work my firm is doing... the most interesting investment ideas... what were researching now... and what we expect to happen in the months to come. So how much does my work cost... and how can you get started? Well, a one-year subscription, including everything I mentioned here, normally costs $149 per year – thats what many others have paid. But right now, you can try my research, for less than HALF the normal rate. Youll pay just $49.50 for an entire year. Thats a 66% discount. Why so cheap? Well, to be honest, our business really only works if our subscribers stick with us for the long-term. But we realize youve got to try our work first, to see if its right for you. And thats why, through this presentation, were making it so cheap, and essentially risk-free to try. What I mean is, youll have the next four months to take a look at the Research Reports Ive just described, plus the next four issues of my newsletter... and the next four months of my daily Digest reports. If you decide for any reason within the first 4 months that my work is not right for you, just let us know and you can receive a full refund... and keep everything youve received so far. In other words, by taking me up on this offer, you are agreeing only to TRY my work to see if you like it. Please take the simple steps necessary to protect yourself and your family. ** At the very least, start a subscription to my work, which gives you immediate access to all of the valuable reports you need to see. Print them out or save them to your computer so you have them forever. Then, take four months to check out my research. If you decide it doesnt make sense for you for any reason, just call my customer service group located in my Baltimore office. Weve got a toll-free telephone line, and you can request a full refund for the money you paid, in a matter of minutes. And even if you decide AFTER four months that my work is not for you, no problem. You can still get a prorated refund for any time remaining on your subscription. The point is: Maybe you want to read my work over the next year... and maybe not... but at the very least, take advantage of this free trial so you can understand whats going on and how to protect yourself. I hope youll take the simple next step and read the reports my team and I have spent an incredible amount of time and money preparing. I know in my heart it will be one of the best financial moves you ever make. And I want you to remember one more important point: All of the steps I am recommending are simple, cheap, and easy... at least for now. But as you certainly know from your own experience, storm insurance and provisions get much more expensive, and even impossible to buy, as a storm approaches. Think about what happens every time theres a hurricane or snowstorm. As the storm nears, it becomes impossible to buy batteries, water, or a generator, anywhere within 150 miles of where the storm is likely to hit. Well, its the same with safeguarding your money today. Remember, theres been a huge change in the laws as of July 1st of this year. Few people are thinking about these financial moves today, so they are still simple and easy to execute. But as the coming financial storm nears, and more people clamor to save themselves, these moves will become extremely expensive, and even impossible, to make. You want to take action now. Because the thing to remember about a currency collapse is that it happens gradually... gradually... gradually... and then very suddenly. Americans and foreign investors are clearly losing faith in the U.S. dollar. Over the past few years, it has been a progressive and steady decline. But when the final collapse occurs, there will be no announcement. There will be no warning. It will be devastating and swift. Whether you decide to read my research or not, please do the smart and prudent thing: take the necessary actions now to protect yourself and your family. To get started, simply click on the SUBSCRIBE NOW link below, which will take you to a secure order form. Your order will be processed immediately, and youll have access to all of my work in a matter of minutes. One more thing you might want to know: As I mentioned earlier, we have hundreds of thousands of customers all across the globe. We have grown to be the biggest research organization of our kind in the world... and we have an A+ rating with the leading online reputation management website. You cant reach an A+ status without lots and lots of happy customers. Plus, we also have earned something else no rating agency can ever bestow... To date, we have had more than 35,000 subscribers from around the globe tell us they like our work so much, they want to receive it for Life... the rest of their lives. In my mind this is the absolute strongest endorsement we can ever receive, because it comes directly from the people who know us best, our customers. Of course, Im not asking you to make any big commitment. All I want you to do is take a few minutes to sign up for a no-risk trial subscription. Take an immediate look at all the Research Reports Ive described. All this information is yours to keep, whether you choose to continue reading my work or not. Youre not risking even a penny to check everything out. Get started now by clicking the Subscribe Now link below. This will take you to a secure order form, where youll have the chance to review everything before submitting your order. Sincerely, Porter Stansberry
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:53:19 +0000

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