Let me start out by saying that if I have forgotten to call you, - TopicsExpress


Let me start out by saying that if I have forgotten to call you, return your call, answer your message, call you too many times or not call you enough, I am sorry. I am trying to do the best I can and still hold it together. If you are with me and there is something I need to remember, please remind me to get my notebook and write it down and then remind me later that I have written it down and why. If you can and are here, please remind me to take my meds and drink a boost. So many things, like life going on to remember as we prepare for Dads Farewell celebration all the while that monkey is probably still dancing in the streets up there. What a joy for him as he is so deserving of his eternal life. I am learning more and more about him by the stories so many have shared with me about him. It makes me anxious for the open microphone in the social hall following his service. The one thing I can say about my dad is that the dad I knew and the friends he kept company with you wouldnt have to worry about someone saying something inappropriate or disprespectful even in the social hall because my dad just wasnt that kink of guy once he got saved and quit drinking and that was long before he and my mom married. I still miss him. Today is a better than yesterday. Yesterday I didnt want to get out of bed and everything seemed to want to make me cry. I am still working through the challenges of my body not wanting to cooperate. My brain tells my back it is going to work and support my legs but then there is a disconnect between my legs telling my feet to move in the proper direction and then the laughter should be inserted there. Who gets bruises on tops of their own feet unless they have dropped something on them or ran into something, this girl. I can still make fun of myself today so the day is already brighter than yesterday. These days ahead are still going to be peaks and valleys just as life itself is and grieving for the lost are but we know how to go to that special place and have an intimate talk with our Heavenly Father to release some of the emotions and full well knowing that in His timing, he is going to lift the weight. We are never alone unless we choose to walk from grace but then, its just in our mind because he never leaves us. If I could fit into some happy pants or new wear to buy some cheap Id get me some to slip into today but since I dont and I am transportationally challenged, I will wear a smile instead. Yes, I know, Im nuts but if you are smiling, you are too.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:52:57 +0000

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