Let me step up on my soap box for a moment. I have reworded - TopicsExpress


Let me step up on my soap box for a moment. I have reworded my previous status (which I deleted because I wrote it in a fit of an emotional outburst), as well as added more to it because it needs to be said. I am so done with people that have decided that they are no longer going to be my friend because of my low life loser abusive ex-husband. I am DONE being silent about him, you hear me??? If you do not like me speaking out, if you do not like the fact that I am supportive of his 3rd wife and the trial against him, then you may kindly vacate my page and my life. But do NOT be a coward yourself and say youll still be my friend and then defriend me after you find out the hell I lived in, and then and talk bad about me behind my back. It makes you no better than he is. I am by no means of a fragile mind, nor am I naive to think that many will not take his side and refuse to believe the truth that is finally being let out. However, that does not mean that it does not affect me. It severely hurts my feelings but it shows me what kind of person(s) you are. I can respect a persons honesty and personal choices, but I cannot respect those that stand behind someone that repeatedly abuses women, relationship after relationship. He has not abused just one or two women; no, its been at minimum of 3 of us that have lived in fear because of his hand and finally, FINALLY, people have listened and hopefully justice will be served. If you cannot stand behind us and support the hard step of coming forward, hoping to end the abusive pattern and possibly save a life, then you are no friend of mine. People wonder why I have such a high stance against domestic violence. Why I know so much about advocacy groups and why I am going to school to earn a degree in social work. This is why. To be a voice for the ones that are too afraid to speak out, or that cannot speak out because their lives were taken all too soon by the people they thought loved them. Do not let my typically kind demeanor fool you. I am tough as nails and will gladly put you in your place on this subject if it needs to be done.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 07:08:06 +0000

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