Let me tell ya’ll about this weird thing that happened to me - TopicsExpress


Let me tell ya’ll about this weird thing that happened to me back in 1989. I’ve never told anybody about this, but, for some reason, it’s been on my mind lately, and I think it’s time to tell this story. Believe it or don’t. At the very least, you will find it entertaining. Anybody over the age of twenty from the Columbia, SC area probably remembers Bush River Mall. It’s a Walmart now, but it used to be a mall, and there was a movie theater out there. One Saturday afternoon I went to the movies out there all by myself. When the movie was over, I got up with the few other people in the theater, (it was early in the afternoon, and there were only a few people in the show), and I began to walk out of the theater. You know how when you’re in a theater with multiple movies, and there is a little area in between the movies and the outer lobby where you buy tickets and popcorn? Well I was walking out of this area, and there was a small crowd of people coming into the theater I was leaving, and I sort of had to squeeze past a group of maybe about a dozen people. There was this guy in the group of people coming in. He was a perfectly ordinary looking guy, about my age, (I was in my late twenties at the time), and he was holding this little silver tube that looked like a flashlight with both ends removed. He was smiling at me. I scowled at him. I don’t especially like to be smiled at by people I don’t know except maybe for attractive women. This guy, still smiling, pointed the little silver tube at me, and this little white object shot out of the end of it. It was white and seemed to be round and about the size of a marble. The little white thing, whatever it was, hit me in the chest. Of course, I flinched like hell, but I felt nothing when the thing hit me, and, when it touched my shirt, it turned into a little puff of smoke. I stopped and turned around and said something like, “Hey, what the hell did you just do? Did you just shoot me with something?’ But the guy just kept smiling and walking. I couldn’t follow him, because he went into the theater I had just left. So I just kept walking and went out of the theater. By the time I reached the outer lobby, my chest where the little thing had hit me was faintly burning. It felt sort of like that ointment stuff you rub on sore muscles, Ben Gay or Icy Hot or whatever. I pulled my shirt up, but there was nothing visible on my skin. I walked outside. The minute I got outside, it felt like the hot area on my chest turned liquid and ran down my chest into my pants. It continued to run down my leg and into my sock and then into my left shoe. Within seconds, my foot was burning like it was in a fire. I had to sit down on the sidewalk to try to take my shoe off. To my amazement, my shoe was so hot I could not touch it. It actually burned my fingers. Only the outside of my shoe was hot; if it had been that hot inside my shoe, my foot would have been badly burned. I couldn’t touch my shoe, but I was able to pull the laces lose and I shook my shoe off. And then, my shoe, sitting on the sidewalk began to vibrate violently and steam or smoke was rising off of it in a cloud. A lot of people saw this, and several stopped and asked me what was up with my shoe. I just told them I didn’t know. After about a minute, my shoe stopped vibrating and steaming. I touched it, and it wasn’t hot anymore, but it was very warm. I put my shoe on, leaving it unlaced in case it got hot again and unlaced my other shoe in case the same thing happened to it. Anybody ever have anything like this happen? Anybody got an explanation? This is a true story. I am well aware that many people won’t believe it which is why I never told anybody. I was not drunk or under the influence of anything at the time.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 01:41:04 +0000

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