Let me tell you a story today boys and girls. So, for summer - TopicsExpress


Let me tell you a story today boys and girls. So, for summer vacation, I spent my days at our laundry shop. I slept in the bedroom upstairs. There are lots of stray dogs here and one particular one caught my eye, Laika. She was kinda fat for a stray and she looked like she was taken care of. She was in fact being fed scraps and food by the catering service across the road, which accounted for her health and hefty weight and stayed in the truck yard across the street right in front of our shop. There were other dogs too, but Laika was the friendliest. After feeding her scraps for a couple of days, she let me pet her. From then on we became friends. I taught her tricks like sit and stay and she also came when I called. From then on, I began to meet the other dogs in our area too; Tommen, Mello and Tiger. But of course my favorite was the original. Laika became pregnant. About a month and a half into her pregnancy, she was hit by a car. She lived and she gave birth half a week later to five puppies. After a day, four died. From then on she was very week and lost a lot of weight. A week later, Glenda brought rain, her fifth puppy died the day before the storm really hit because of the rain and the cold it brought. During the night, the makeshift fence made of corrugated aluminum (yero) broke free and dragged across the entire neighborhood. It was a hellish screeching and accompanied by wind rain, its scared me. The next day, I checked up on Laika, she had been struck and pinned under a sheet of yero. She was alive but she could no longer walk. Today, she was sitting near our neighbors house. She had managed to make it there and I felt a little hope. But our neighbor (the asshole) poured water on her to make her go away. I saw her near the middle of the road and I stepped outside. He came out again and poured ICE WATER on her. I ran across the road and started petting her, tears streaming down my face, saying Its going to be okay Laika. The ass tried talking to me, telling me she was dying. Nanganak yan ah, he said. Without looking at him I told him they all died. I carried her away to someplace else. She was breathing heavily and her tongue blackening. I ran inside the shop to cry. In my room, crying, I felt something, a compulsion to go to the window. I watched her. After one spasm, she jerked her neck upwards and that was it. She was gone. I ran to her, and cried. It was a busy road and people were staring at me. Soon after, dad, Tony and I buried her. I posted this because I was scared. So many strays die every day yet nobody really notices. I just wanted at least someone to know she, Laika, existed. So many lives were taken by Glenda and Laika was one. I am saddened by all. My love and prayers go to the families and friends of those who lost somebody. At least they say all dogs go to heaven, right? I love you, Laika. Good bye, girl.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 03:51:37 +0000

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