Let me tell you about my day. First I was about ten minutes late - TopicsExpress


Let me tell you about my day. First I was about ten minutes late to take my niece to preschool, because she was a slow poke eating her breakfast, and putting on her shoes. We were also behind a million school busses and had to stop for a train. After arriving home Xavier discovered how to turn on the water in the bathtub. He started his bath today fully clothed. While it was my turn to shower Xavier spilled about two cups of milk on the kitchen floor. Then he was a terrorist at the grocery store he pulled my nieces hair several times, grabbed stuff off shelves and put stuff back on shelves, threw the hat he had to wear several times, ran away from me at check out and had a temper tantrum when i buckled him in the cart instead of the pretend car portion (which by the way is larger than a Smart Car and difficult to maneuver). When it was time to pay I had to run to the car to get my ATM card out of my purse because I only bought my wallet in the store. Then once home he purposely spilled a Capri Sun on the kitchen floor, while I put away groceries. I forgot eggs. While I was mopping floor he proceeded to strip, take off diaper and pee on the living room floor. He then took a one hour nap. After nap he had a 30 minute temper tantrum because I put some tomatoes in the tacos I was making for dinner. He wanted the entire club pack of tomatoes to himself. He was not going to share with the tacos. Right now he is laying on top of me grabbing my face giving me kisses playing with his belly button.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 23:33:05 +0000

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