Let me tell you something about Pakistan. We have different - TopicsExpress


Let me tell you something about Pakistan. We have different mosques for different sects, each giving adhan at their own times. We fight over bills and curse the Government. We cheat, we lie, we make fun of people. But when we believe in something, we believe in it with all our hearts. When we love, we become self- sacrificial.. Let me tell you something about Pakistani schools.. about students... you will see them in chilly December mornings, the girls huddled on bus stops, constantly blowing in their fists to keep their hands warm, the nerdy ones asking about notes and tests and boasting about their achievements. The cool ones talking about the latest Indian movie, singing the track song in a choir.. You will see the boys with their geld hair, sleeves folded up, acting macho because hey! 5 degree celsius is cold for the weak! Sweaters are for girls and nerdy boys not them.. theyre awesome... Youll see them always holding a textbook. Not necessarily reading, but you will always see one. Maybe they have a major test in the third period. Maybe they need to clear some doubts with a friend. Or the boys: theyre probably hitting their friends with it. You see, in Pakistan.. education is everything. Education is life. I know families wholl eat less or go without dinner but send their kids to school. I know kids who will argue with their teacher for a .5 mark more because itll change their final percentage. Ive seen them following their dreams. Ive seen them obsessing over studies.. Ive seen the less fortunate ones even, going to school in the morning, coming home to pick up trash from the street or to clean homes. With that money, they arent buying new dresses.. It will pay their fee. Ive seen kids going to used book shops and donating because the act of neglecting a book once youre done with it is a sin! forget books, we re-sell old newspapers because even that has words.. letters.. in short, education.. Ive seen kids who dont have electricity and gas but still score no less than 95%... Even on Eid we study.. because right after the break we have exams. We have teachers who think shooing away a student is unforgivable.. Even if we have the lamest, stupidest questions, we will be attended to.. Let me tell you something else about Pakistan.. Were raised in a certain way. We try to find shortcuts. We hate being told what to do and how to do it. We are over confident, we try to outsmart the other. We dont trust easily. We may mug up our textbooks but we are all street smart. But when it comes to safeguard our country.. When it comes to our army.. When it comes to the younger generation.. We dont hide. We dont get scared.. We come out and fight.. We say to each other, its now or never.. Our grandparents tell us stories of Army jawaan.. Our magazines are filled with their inspiring stories. Our eyes tear up at the dramas that recreate scenarios of brave people... I can write for hours here.. But I dont want to.. I pray for this generation to use their heads and not their hearts. I pray they understand why the enemy is after our education. I pray and I train my younger ones to be just even if theyve been wronged. I train them to be soft and self less because generosity and kindness never go unrewarded even if it seems so.. I train them that yes. Its an awful world. Yes people are out to get you... but you can change it.. and you will.... I teach them never to celebrate the enemys demise but to learn from it.. to seek refuge of Allah from being done the same.. I pray our egos and our pride dont eat us from within.. I pray we all find our way out of this... I pray we live and die for a reason and not in vain... I need to end here because my thoughts are getting tangled up again.. But you need to know my dear Pakistan... emotions will never give you the answer.. Grieve.. Be angry.. be upset.. but dont let it overshadow your common sense. Dont make decisions when youre not sure of your emotional stance.. Dont go kill because youve suffered the same. Dont panic when youre in quicksand because the more you move, the deeper you sink.. breathe.. Pray.. and once you find your message in the bottle, take it with you and act.. Your Lord is merciful, be His faithful slave.. Pictures: Islamabad college for Girls. The red block is the primary section, I took from the balcony of my Geography Department. The other two are from the main cafeteria during student body elections. They are blurred and hurried because technically, I shouldnt have been using a cell phone. So I didnt want to be caught with one....
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:26:17 +0000

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