Let no one defame or debase he is for the common good, for it does - TopicsExpress


Let no one defame or debase he is for the common good, for it does not due to bite a hand that feeds. Would you be so course to deny an act of kindness with your pride? Forgo such foolishness and only focus on those that seek to help your success. Do not block anothers success or find trappings in sentimentality if it only serves to delay you. Why hold onto a shirt that you never wear when you can make room for another that you will wear? Why hold onto unnecessary hope for something when it is gone. Hold to the future and never regret or lament the past. You cannot change what is gone but only what will be. You make it. Dont spend your time idling on what was or could have been but only what good you can make. Learn from your past, yes. But dont dwell in it. Dwell in the future and in the moment, that is where we truly belong. We have true power and anyone who says otherwise is not worthy of attention. Do not dwell in anothers words if they are untrue or unhelpful. Petty insults are severely unprofessional and only serve to embitter. Embittering words should never come from a brother. Why embitter your brothers? Men who have sworn to help each other succeed? Success will be achieved with helpful attitudes and strong direction. We must put all available brothers to work at the needs of the chairs and committees in order to accomplish all we set to do. We must spend as much of our waking time on our success if we truly want to succeed at anything. A halfassed effort yields halfassed results. The same is true with people. If you feed them shit you will only receive shit back. Only focus on that which will improve you. There is time for fun, but it should be put on the backburner. Though all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, all play and no work makes Jack shit!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:04:44 +0000

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