Let people hate you, but dont hate yourself. Let them reject you, - TopicsExpress


Let people hate you, but dont hate yourself. Let them reject you, but dont reject yourself. Let them underate you, but dont underate yourself. Let people condemn you, but dont condemn yourself. Let people criticise you, but dont critise yourself. Let people mistreat you, but dont feel mistreated. Let them oppress you, but dont feel oppressed. Let them reject you, but dont feel rejected. Let people crucify you, but dont feel crucified. That you are bad today doesnt mean youll die a bad person. You are poor today doesnt mean you can never be rich. You are what you see yourself as. What you are today does not determine your tomorrow. Dont lose hope,no matter how ugly or harsh things may be today,if Job in the bible could later smile after all the ugly challenges,how about you? Just remain faithful to God,NEVER depend on peoples promises,especially rich people. They can fail you. God is still in heaven,as long as you still breath,God can still turn your situation 360 degrees overnight. THERE ARE ALWAYS BETTER DAYS AHEAD. #jay
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:38:12 +0000

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