Let the Truth be said and the Peoples Perceptions be - TopicsExpress


Let the Truth be said and the Peoples Perceptions be Corrected: It is said when I read the extract of some Nigerians on the issue of the creation of the Nigerian state through the activities of the colonial masters. I keep on asking myself if these Nigerians just read the lines of history books and interpret the wordings from their literary meanings. There is always a need for deep reflections and wisdom when interpreting any write up or action. Let me start to give a clearer picture of what many forgot so soon. Have Nigerians ever asked themselves, what will have been their destiny in their respective ethnocultural groups if colonialism has not redefined our structures? We should not forget so soon how our then empires, communities and settlements were operated. In case you have forgotten or you dont know, let me refresh your memories. In those setups, activities and individuals destinies were defined by status and affiliations. As a result, only the children of the Royal blood, king makers and affluent have privileges. Majority work as slaves and servant to these few. Colonialism liberated our societies from this kind of structures which existed through out kingdoms. Only the Emirs, Obas, Ezes, Ubong and so on have a say, the common man means nothing even on his own piece of land. If you cannot connect the past to the present or you tend to ignore the truth, let me help you a little more. Our rivalry as ethnocultural groups did not start today, we have all fought against each other in the pre-Nigeria era. We have make endless efforts to dominate other kingdoms, communities and settlements. At victory, rendering their sons and daughters as slaves. Remember the famous Oyo empire and how it dominated those empires around it. Remember the famous movement of some Igbo kingdoms who dominated the smaller ones and make them slaves OSU. Remember the Borno empire and the battles for its expansion or are we to talk of the Ife dynasty, the Nupe Kingdom, the Daura empire and so on. We were all warriors of our little selfish settlements before the colonial masters brought us together as one under their rule; even though for their selfish interest but its redefined our thought, that only our individual ethnic group was loved by the gods. However, it is the same rivalry which colonialism helped us to do away with that is manifested in our modern struggles. I hope we are not dreaming of going back our barbaric old days when taste of other kingdoms people blood was defined our bravery? Today, no matter how poor you are, you can opposed the government from taking your land without compensation, you can sue and be sued for Justice, you can close your eyes and sleep while organized army and other paramilitary fight to protect you, you can acquire education and use the knowledge to become great. Colonialism was the price we paid for this new, moderate and organized civilization. Therefore, let those who thought it was colonialism that made us into ethnic cleavages in Africa start to have a rethink. It is the blood of selfish and self-centered primitive civilizations running in our veins that have disunite us in this modern civilization and made us loyal to our ethnocultural socialization. Be warn Nigerians, we cant afford to divide along primitive civilizations, else many of us we live and die as slaves or servants to the very few who attained power. Southern Sudan is an example. However, no matter how bad it may taste and how long it may take, minorities can find themselves in greater places. Ijaw nation is a typical example. Never fight to be minority among minorities. Stay in Nigerian union. Long the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Morning
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:32:49 +0000

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