Let the dividing start...hate to think I will loose some pretty - TopicsExpress


Let the dividing start...hate to think I will loose some pretty cool people on here because of race, and it wont be on my part.. I can tolerate the ignorance.. If the media covered every damn murder it would be so different. such bull crap.. There are bad people and situations every where, but only wanna make it an issues when it comes to some BS like this... The only people screaming race to me are the racist., Look at how these people are acting, and its not just ONE COLOR, its mixed, the common denominator here is IGNORANCE AND THUG ASS BEHAVIOR. When you put on your badge and kiss your family good bye everyday NOT knowing if you will see them again or not, then WE have not power to assume or judge.. ACCOUNTABILITY FOR BOTH PARTIES.. yes there are bad cops, yes there are things that go on that should not..the media only shows what they want too then people assume and run with it.. again statistics: According to the FBI around 90% of black people murdered in 2013 were murdered by someone black. What no one seems to know, or pay attention to, is the fact that roughly 84% of white people who were murdered, were murdered by white people. Only about 8% of blacks killed were murdered by white, and 14 % of white murdered were killed by blacks. Did you read that??? 8%/14% ...... let that soak in for a min.... its on the FBI website if you need further clarification... NUMBERS DONT LIE.... People only believe what they want to believe.. You could go through and isolate any of those cases and run with it like this nonsense right now ... AND I will leave you with this.ing from someone whos mother was murdered and he only severed 9 years.. yeah, no riots here (was this justice?) NO not in my eyes.. I just kept on being a better person and knowing that I and everyone else will be Judged by one.. No media coverage on that one... No marches are rallies.. for Christ sakes, quit blaming everyone else and be your own person and accept accountability. What happened was tragic, it went to trial, he was not indited.. Whether you agree or not, this name calling, social media blast, blaming everyone else is childish.. Tragic events happen, . Our country will never move forward with these type of radical movements, just fueling the fire.. YOU were not there and neither was I... Pray for everyone involved and move forward... blah! Blame ignorance/stupidity NOT color...you are only making our world a sadder place, you are causing the separation...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:52:02 +0000

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