Let the season begin. Wyatt continues to make small strides - TopicsExpress


Let the season begin. Wyatt continues to make small strides forward as he is still recovering from the storming set back. He is doing much better. He came down with a cold/or bug the other day which scared me for a moment but it past within 24 hours. He had his first ENT appointment since July this week. He was suppose to go to the ENT doc in October but since he was in the hospital then we had to reschedule again and again. We finally made it and I was pleased with a positive report. When Wyatt was in the PICU he reported his vocal cords were mostly paralyzed, then in July he was pleased to see that they were working well, and this last appointment he said it was the strongest cry he had heard Wyatt make (I have heard louder before) and was encouraged that as his neck strengthened his malacia would completely be gone. His swallow is continuing to strengthen but we are working on increasing his trigger. The ENT doc said he thought it was good to start giving him VERY small tastes of different flavors, i.e. strawberry yogurt etc and watch him brighten up and respond to the flavor, not enough to need to swallow to clear, but enough to get a more motivated response. He LOVED his first taste of yogurt. It must of tasted great to have flavor in his mouth after 7 months of not much at all besides a lemon glycerin swab. His tracking has been better sometimes. It seems different then before. He is noticing things that he wants to more. For example Roxy, our dog came over to him yesterday and sat down. Usually I tell Roxy to go lay down away from Wyatt because Im scared she will accidentally step on Wyatt, which she has never done, but the fear is there. However this time I wasnt around so Leslie Grimes took the opportunity to have Wyatt pet Roxy and then Roxy started to lick Wyatts hand. Wyatt had been breathing heavy, but calmed down immediately and then looked right at Roxy, shifting his eyes easily to her. He also found his balloons in the room today and tracked them as I moved them around the room. His sense of smell has really seemed strong. We wafted the smell of pizza under his nose and he lit up and started salivating and pumping his mouth open and closed, so we have been trying lots of different smells. Vanilla drew a grimace from his face, and strawberry yogurt he was excited about. He continues to move differently. He was sitting on Brad Zachritzs lap and started to rub his hand and arm back and forth on Brads belly, which drew laughs from us. We have been doing lots of Christmas stuff, going to see lights, baking cookies, shopping on amazon, and all the kids have been able to participate together which is great to see ;). Keep praying. Pray for his awareness to continue to come forth. This is the biggest focus because his body will follow. Pray that 2015 is such an amazingly HUGE year for Wyatts recovery and our family. That we only go forward with no set backs. I know this can be a long journey, but I know with even more certainty that GOD does not fit within our human reasoning and can do miracles within a moment. Ive seen these. I recently read the emergency report from when Wyatt was saved. God fully restored his life when man said it couldnt be done. I am expecting more and more of those wonderful miracles and thanking God especially during this Christmas season, for sending HIS Son as our gift. He is the reason I have my son. Love all my warriors for wyatt! #warriorsforwyatt. P.S. What I have asked for Christmas is a smile of course.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:05:54 +0000

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