Let this be apart of your RESOLUTION!! I Challenge you. - TopicsExpress


Let this be apart of your RESOLUTION!! I Challenge you. **Please Share** 20 Habits for Success. 1. Invest In Yourself - Whether it be a new language, exercise, social media classes etc. The moment you stop investing in yourself is the moment you have written off future dividends in life 2. Be Curious...About Everything - Billionaires are incredibly curious; what the rest of the world thinks is a problem and complains about --Thats what these people go and work on. 3. Surround yourself with Better People - You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. 4. Never Eat Alone - While most of us derive our key information from blogs or the newspaper, power players get their information from the source (other power players) directly. 5. Take Responsibility for your LOSES - I own it and im going to fix. 6. Understand the power of Leverage. 7. Take No days off - No matter your distance, you dont stop thinking about your business. 8. Focus on experiences vs. MATERIAL POSSESSIONS - Experiences creates memories and memories are priceless. 9. Take Enormous Risks - If youre not taking risks, youre not making moves! 10. Dont go at it alone - Surround yourself with better people. It takes teamwork to make the dream work. 11. Recognize the Value of Simple Ideas - Most Billionaires figure out how to take something we all like to do, simplify it, and bring more value to the bottom line. So, next time someone asks you to invest in a lemonade stand (Business opportunity) dont dismiss it so easily. 12. Be patiently impatient - Deadlines for day to day, short term goals. Dont play with time. 13. Be Gritty - The is not just having the stomach for failure, but having the strength to face what feels like an endless amount of resistance...and still move FORWARD. 14. Develop Great Oratory Skills - the more effectively you speak, the higher your chances of career success. 15. Grow Thick, Armor - plated skin - Michelle obama - Never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so, when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really dont invest any energy in them, because I know who I am. 16. Connect with people outside your community - Your ability to be of influence within your community is directly related to your ability to make connections outside of your community. 17. Over-Communicate your message - Its not just about speaking loudly, its about speaking often. 18. Learn to laugh at yourself - Having a sense of humor about things can make life a litte easier. Humor has also been identified as a possible factor in the development of personal resilience. If you can laugh at yourself, you can forgive yourself. And if you can forgive yourself, you can forgive others Rev. Susan Sparks. 19. Be great at one thing, first - The deeper understaning you gain by doing one thing opens up creative new ideas. 20. Know a Higher Power - Developing a relationship with a Higher Power ( God ) will provide you guidance for making decisions and solving problems. Article Created by Paul C. Brunson Link to Part 1: m.huffpost/us/entry/4739731 Link to Part 2: paulcbrunson/2014/02/20-successful-habits-learned-working-with-two-billionaires-part-2/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:47:06 +0000

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