Let us Know Hinduism and Our Vedas The life of Maharishi - TopicsExpress


Let us Know Hinduism and Our Vedas The life of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, the author of precious Scripture Satyarth Prakash is highly inspiring for the society, nation and all humanity. Unparalleled humanitarian Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati filled the common man of the 19th century, who had broken due to the religious superstitions, social ills and political dependence, with leonine might, courage and self-vitalization. Maharishi had great knowledge of Sanskrit and Vedas. With the feeling of Global welfare he founded the Arya Samaj in the city of Bombay in 1875. Arya Samaj from its birth did revolutionary acts in all areas of social reform. Arya Samaj worked on a large scale against political subjugation, religious superstitions and all kinds of social evils. Arya Samaj activists faced inhuman and cruel atrocities for the removal of untouchability, women’s education and, to provide social and religious rights to the so-called Shudras (Dalits). Social evils prevalent in the society are never completely eradicated. The spread of truth, religion and Vedic Knowledge are needed in each era. Thoughtful gentleman with a sense of fight against the fatal flaws and evils prevalent in the society keep struggling. Arya Samaj, even today, with the resolution for the growth of knowledge and for destroying the ignorance, to accept the truth and to leave away the untruth, keeps raising its voice against the religious superstitions and social evils. Through the texts of Satyarth Prakash composed by Maharishi with its precious basic assumptions and practical teachings, which are working to improve the community, can be summarized as below: Dear friends, we need your active support in an humanitarian campaign for the welfare of world in spread the real truth based on better translation of our scriptures. Kindly post this truth to reach to every Hindu, so that he may know the real Hinduism (For detail one can go through Satyarth Prakash, also available on net). What is GOD 1 God is a figure of true joy (SCHCHIDANANDSWRUP), formless, omnipotent, just (NYAYKARI), compassionate, unborn, eternal, infinite, silent, ubiquitous, unique, basis of everything (SARVADHAR) and Creator of this Universe (SRISHTIKARTA) etc. We should only pray Him. 2. God never incarnates taking the form of pig, turtle, fish or human etc. Therefore any idol cannot represent Him. Therefore instead of God assuming life (PRAN PRATISHTHA) in statues of mythical gods, in offering food and water to these idols, making them swing to and fro, fanning, showing lamp (Dhoop or Deep) and making them asleep or awake, are superstitious and unscientific. 3. God, Eternal life and Nature are three elements. Unity of Life and God (JEEV and BRAHM) theory of Shankaracharya (belief of assuming life or Spirit as being part of God) is irrational. If we are all part of God (Brahm), then whom we should to worship? Than how ignorance and misery came to us and who cares us in the moments of sorrow and pain? Vedas 4. Vedas are the scriptures of all true disciplines. RIGVEDA tells us about Political Science, Administration and Managerial Skills, YAJURVEDA about life and religion, how we should worship, how we should divide our life into four parts – BRAHMCHARYA ASHRAM (upto 25yrs of age) for educating ourselves, GRIHSTH ASHRAM (25-50 yrs of age) for producing and nurturing family, VANPRASTH ASHRAM (51-75yrs of age) is about doing service to the society, religion and nation, while being in family. Finally SANYAS (above 75yrs of age) is renouncing family life for doing service to the society, religion and nation. Third veda is SAMVEDA is about all forms of arts, music and dance etc. Fourth Veda ATHARVVEDA is about economy (For detail one can go through Satyarth Prakash, also available on net). Vedas is the knowledge given by God. Therefore, all lessons of Vedas are practical, scientific and in accordance with rules of nature. Therefore Vedas are self-proven. 5. All men and women of the world have equal right to learn and teach Vedas. The denial of women and SUDRA in medieval texts and traditions is the root cause of our social decline. Certain seer and patriarch who are not good in Sanskrit, knowingly or unknowingly misinterpreting these scriptures, still raise such voices. However, they have been given the proper response of opposition and should be responded in the same tone in future. Translator of the medieval period - Uwvat, Mahidhar and Sāyaṇa etc. translated Veda-Mantras. They were not good in Sanskrit and therefore misinterpreted these scriptures in a manner justifying animal violence, after-death ritual (SHRADHKARMA) and obscenity. Such translations led Western Translators to call Vedas as the songs sung by Shepherds. These translators saw and tried to prove cosmic and national history in these scriptures, which was based on mere prejudice, and is not a truth. PUNCH MAHAYAGYAS 7. Each householder should, as far as possible, do the following five daily YAGYAS (Exquisite deeds) - BRAHMYAGYA – Offering Evening Prayer(SANDHYOPASNA) and self-study of Vedas and SHASHTRAS, remembering formless. DEVYAGYA- DEVs are parts of nature giving us something as AGNI (FIRE) gives us energy, VAYU gives us oxygen, SUN and MOON gives us light etc, which are essential for our lives. We should do HAVAN or DEVPUJA, Chanting of VEDA-MANTRAS and harmonization (BHAJAN) and should give donations to needy ones. PITRAYAGYA- Faithfully serving and offering hospitality to Parents and teachers. ATITHIYAGYA - To receive true lessons (Satyopdesh) from the service and co-operation of virtuous, benevolent, religious scholars, who truly know VEDAs. BALIVESHWADEV YAGYA - To manage food and water for birds and animals. Master and Mastership (Guru and Gurudam) 8. Master (Guru) has an important role in consecrating life. Therefore, it is advisable to show faith and respect in master. But considering him supernatural, having divine powers, taking name from him, worshipping his portrait considering him God or Special Ambassador of God, or considering that mere chanting of Master’s name (Gurunam) relieves from all sins, sufferings and pains, is a kind of poison tree and therefore, must be abandoned. Miracle 9. Nothing in the world is a miracle. There are numerous claimers of miracles like making chain or pendant by waving hands, or curing diseases by rubbing Ashes (Babhuti). Can they do similar miracles in running the railway engines or in constructing huge buildings? Or can they cure cancer, diseases of the heart or brain without operation? If they can do that, then why have they built large hospitals in their ashrams. Why don’t they do away the suffering of millions of poor people. In fact, Wonders is just jugglery (MADARIPANA), which is done to exploit people in the name of religion in a lousy way. Religion 10. Religion is about behavior and character (VRITIMULAK-ACHARANPARAK). Ten qualities of patience, forgiveness, self-respect, not doing theft or fraud (ASTEY), Cleanliness (sanitation), Self-Control, Wisdom (DHI), Knowledge, Truth and Angerless (Calm) life is the true religious life. Performing one’s family, social and national duties is all about dharma or religion. Rituals like blowing Conch, Tully or ringing bells, fasting, putting Tilak on the forehead, wearing KANTHI, chanting MALA or pilgrimage for the attainment of virtue, or doing Evening prayer (SANDHYA-YAGYA) for mere show-off, has nothing to do with the religion. Shrine 11. Good deeds, by which we can swim across the ocean of wordly pain and sufferings, for example speaking truth, gaining knowledge (VIDYA), company of good people (SATSANG), practicing Yoga, hardwork and teaching are holy Shrines, in a true sense. 12. It is utter ignorance to believe that taking holy bath on an eclipse day or any other special occasion, in a river or a lake, visiting Haridwar, Prayag, Varanasi, Kurukshetra etc. or taking KANWAD to a holy place, will wash away the sins of a person or exempt him from getting returns for his sins. KARMFAL (Price for bad or good deeds) 13. Every person has to pay for his good and bad deeds. Rituals of any kind cannot change the fruit of one’s deeds. Therefore it makes no sense to perform any rituals for that reason. Rather such rituals are the means of ignorance, hypocrisy and deception. SHRADH (Tributary rituals for the souls of the dead ones) 14. Serving and respecting alive parents, teachers and elderly people along with leading a life devoted to praying God, doing self-education and good conduct, is the true SHRADH (Tributary rituals for the souls of the dead ones). Giving alms-feeding, donating cow to priests and visiting specific places for performing such tributary rituals (PINDDAN) only helps making such priests happy. Souls of the dead people do not get anything out of this. Heaven and Hell 15. Heaven and hell are not any specific places. Specific Happiness is Heaven and Specific pain or suffering is the Hell. They are concurrently being lived through by us by our this very body and in this very world only. Heaven-Hell stories have been crafted to maintain the living of just few self-styled religious God Mans (PUNDITs). Death-Rituals 16. After the death of a person, submitting his dead body to funeral, there is left no other work. Chanting of GARUDPURAN or Other Mantras for the peace or salvation of the soul is the sponsored hypocrisy by the non-religious selfish people who take the cover of religion for their own living. True meaning of worship 17. Proper maintenance and utilization of non-living objects is their worship, in the real sense. TULSI and PEEPAL etc. are beneficial in fever and other diseases. Therefore, they need to be protected. But believing welfare or Good (PUNYA) in circling around them or bowing before them after wrapping any special thread (SUTRA) is ignorance, and is not worship, in any way. Devotion 18. Meditating while thinking about God and following His great properties such as his kindness, his justice, in our own life and living a holy life is the true devotion. Putting costly tents of millions of Rupees in the name of his worship and making men and women dance on filmy tunes, singing, applauding and chanting is lousy entertainment. Auspicious moment 19. Auspicious occasion is the one when the mind is happy, the weather is favorable, and there is peace in the family and the neighborhood. Finding auspicious occasion for marriage or starting a new business by looking at the positions of stars and planets is not a sign of a learned society. Horoscopes and Astrology 20. Planets and stars are non-living, and they have the same effect on all of us. Therefore determining astrological signs (RASHIS) by looking at the planets and the constellations and on the basis of these signs (RASHIS) predicting future of a person, is absolutely unscientific. We should choose bride and grooms by looking at their properties, deeds, behavior or on the basis of their medical examination and not on the basis of horoscopes. Are all those couples happy who married after comparing their horoscopes? We should think that RAM-RAVAN, KRISHNA-KANS had the same horoscope signs. Witch-Crafts 21. Believing in Ghosts, Witchcraft, wearing of Lockets/Pendants, YANTRA-MANTRA, are daylight exorcism and business fraud, run by the so-called religious people (Godmans). The advice of astrologers for solving various kinds of bad happenings and performing various kinds of so called religious rituals is part of similar businesses. Caste and Caste system 22. Aryasamaj believes in Characteristic (VARNA) system. The basis for the Characteristic (VARNA) system is property, deeds and behavior, as against the caste system which is based on birth. One who does not learn, despite being taught, and do service works and remains illiterate, is called SHUDRA, in Characteristic system. On the other hand, one who educates himself and gets civilized by studies is called Dwiz (Brahmin or Shatriya). It is only one’s deeds which make one higher or lower in this social system. According to Maharishi Manu, Child born in any family can, on the basis of his/her education and ability can become BRAHMIN. The son born in a Brahmin family deprived of education and good behavior, is SHUDRA. Arya Samaj is a global organization committed to work for the physical edification of the mankind. It has a special contribution in the area of our social and religious awakening. Arya Samaj believes in the motto of reception of truth and discard of falsehood. It is committed to destroy ignorance and enhancement and spread of knowledge. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, the author of precious scripture Satyarth Prakash, filled the common man of the 19th century, who was broken due to the religious superstitions, social evils and political dependence, with leonine might, courage and self-vitalization. His life is highly inspiring for the society, nation and all humanity. You can do ideological and spiritual development of yourselves or your dear ones by going through the biography of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Satyarth and can join with us to work for the peace and happiness of the whole family, society and the nation. Dear friends, we need your active support in an humanitarian campaign for the welfare of world in spreading the real truth based on better translation of our scriptures. Kindly post this truth to reach to every Hindu, so that he may know the real Hinduism (For detail one can go through Satyarth Prakash, also available on net). II Hail Mother Bharti II Dr. Devraj Mishra, Convener (For organizing Lecture and Intellectual programs, contact: mobile +917351299319).
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 12:50:43 +0000

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