Let us Reconcile with One Another Daily Reflection for Fri. - TopicsExpress


Let us Reconcile with One Another Daily Reflection for Fri. 14th March, 2014 by Rev. Fr. Anselm Ik. Ali. Christians everywhere, yet, a lot of quarrels and castigations abound in so many homes, neighbourhoods, streets and in the society. The church is obviously not spared. Often, the reason for these fightings are selfish and ignominious. Despite the ugly development, we pretend as if nothing is happening and that all is well. Our spiritual life is in danger any time we bear ill of one another. We cannot be in good standing with God when we are in a culpable enmity with out brother or sister. St. John tells us, we cannot love god whom we do not see, when we hate our neighbours (cf. 1Jn 4:20). Christ Himself tells us to go and reconcile with our brother or sister first, before we approach the altar. Indeed, we have got a task. Within this lent, search your heart, find out those who have something against you, and those you have something against. From your heart, forgive your offenders, and seek the forgiveness of those you hurt. It may be your wife, your husband, your son, your daughter, your father or mother, your relatives or in-laws, your colleague in business or office, someone in your fellowship or in the church or whoever the person; make a sincere effort to reconcile with him or her. God will love you more for it. So, be careful, he who thinks he stands.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:00:00 +0000

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