Let us all join together once more as one nation under God and not - TopicsExpress


Let us all join together once more as one nation under God and not let the haters and race baiters seek to divide and conquer our nation and destroy our unity as one nation where all people are equally respected and honored as fellow American Citizens! We cannot let those who are desperately striving to do everything they possibly can to drive wedges of suspicion, anger and hatred between We The People of this great nation. We have always been known as The Melting-Pot Of This World for our willingness as a people to welcome people of all walks of life and skin colors to immigrate here according to our nations Rule Of Law and work hard to accomplish The American Dream for themselves and their families for generations still yet to come. Let us all as a nation of brothers and sisters lock our arms together and form a strong chain of love and patriotism that stretches from sea to shining sea--that those who are determined to torpedo our nations future will be forced to take notice of and let liberty and freedom once more loudly ring out all across our land as we determine to look forward to a bright and shining future for all American Citizens--no matter their ethnic backgrounds since all of us have much to contribute to restoring our nation and making it strong once more and may it always be known as The Home Of The Brave And The Free thanks to all of our military men and women who have given their last full measure of devotion by laying their own lives down on the fields of battle all around this world so that all of us Americans can live in the freedom and with the liberties that are guaranteed to us in Our United States Constitution And Its Bill Of Rights! God Bless America!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:35:03 +0000

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