Let us go back to 2000 when British Gas (BG) discovered that Gaza - TopicsExpress


Let us go back to 2000 when British Gas (BG) discovered that Gaza sat on an estimated $4 billion worth of natural gas. Needless to say that this discovery came as a shock to Israel, as suddenly Gaza, this little slither of land which Palestinians have been discarded upon, this purgatory which Zionists imagined to crush Palestinians hopes and dreams, became a key geo-strategic priority. Come hail and high waters, Israel would have to gain access to those resources. Since BG made its first estimation, it was established that Gazas gas reserves are far greater than first anticipated. According to Michel Chossudovsky, a Canadian economist and prominent analyst, Gaza is basking in as much wealth as the State of Kuwait. Rather than live in abject poverty, Gaza should be a vibrant business hub, a brilliant economic success. Instead, it has been withering away under Israels blockade, forced to scrap and beg for its daily bread, its people reduced to servitude. Let us remember that Israels maritime blockade coincides with BGs discovery. Let us remember that it is since 2000 that Israel has denied Palestine access to its territorial waters, thus infringing on international law and de facto putting Gaza under siege; all because Israel wants to pillage Palestines resources. - MiddleEastMonitor
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:43:06 +0000

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