Let us study Bhagavad Gita. “The four orders of society were - TopicsExpress


Let us study Bhagavad Gita. “The four orders of society were created by me classifying them according to the mode of prakrti predominant in and apportioning corresponding duties to them; though the author of this creation to be a non-doer” 4:13 What is dharma? It is nothing other than casteism. The division of four classes are the creation of Sri Krishna. At the same time he is incapable to change it. It means the caste system has to continue without any change. If we consider some more deeply, this system was not man-made, but the god himself is the author. That is what the Gita says. Gita considers women, vaisyas and sudras are of vile birth.(9:32) If a person is able to do a duty(Dharasm) in a better way the duty of another caste is not allowed as per Gita. It means, One’s own duty devoid of merit is preferable to the duty of another well performed.(3:35) It purely depicts that the ability is not considered, but the caste and the duty assigned to the caste. Krishna asserts that for establishing dharma (righteousness) on a firm footing, I am born from age to age.(4:8) Can anybody say that the dharma mentioned here is not casteism? Arjuna is not much worried about the devastating war. He tells, why should not we see clearly the sin accruing from the destruction of one’s family .(1:39). Age long family traditions disappear with the destruction of family.(1:40). With the prepondence of vice the women of the family become corrupt and there ensues an intermixture of caste.(1:41). Admixture of blood damns the destroyers of the race itself.(1:42). Through these evils bringing about an intermixture of castes, the age long caste traditions and family customs of the killers of kinsmen get extinct.(1:43). Men who have lost their family traditions dwell in hell.(1:44). If at all we consider that the deciding factor of one’s dharma is as per his ability to do the work of any particular caste. Then at what age he should start his profession? Take example of Brahmin: if he starts learning at the age of 7 it will take 12 or more years to complete his education to perform the duties of Brahmin perfectly. Then how the selection is made to impart the training? If the caste is decided as per capability, there has to be more caste in single family. If so, how the violation of one’s bounded duty eill lead to the collapse of family system? How the ladies in the family loose their chastity? If more dharma are observed in one family then how the intermixture of caste taking place becomes an offence? Why Rama dissected the head of Shambuka, being a shudra observing sanyasa? As per Chinmayanandan- Those of vile birth- women, sudras and vaisyas, the maximum percentage of population; these words of vile birth if it comes from the mouth of a holy person cannot be considered him as divine and the statement is not excusable.(Bhagavad Gita vyakhyanam- page 158). In Gita Krishnan says, he is the creator of everything, whereas as per Manusmriti the creator of the world and people is Brahmadevan. Almost all the Hindu religious puranas agrees that Brahma is the creator. Then what is the role of Vishnu in creation. For argument sake if we agree that Krishna is the creator, does it mean that there is no world before Krishna? An independent reading of Gita reveals that the main object of gita is to keep the caste system alive in the society. That is why the supremacy of high castes predominant in Gita. Bhagavad Gita was an inspiration for Godse to kill Mahatma Gandhi. My learned friends may put their comments.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 04:52:38 +0000

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