Let your actions and words be a healing force in the world. You - TopicsExpress


Let your actions and words be a healing force in the world. You neednt always have your angel wings on, but a lovely sentiment is: Each day, see if you can do at least one good deed for someone else. Try holding the door open for a stranger, helping out with the last few dollars for the person before you at the checkout, smiling and distracting a crying baby at the grocery store so mama can get them out of the candy/toy aisle, talking up an older person in need of some company, doing some dishes when you visit a friend, making (or taking out) your loved ones favourite meal, or knocking off a few of your spouses chores. Just do what you can. You dont need to pour out all of your energy and deplete yourself. The little gestures are what make the real difference. And when you go to sleep, youll smile happily at the fact that you are making the world a kinder place. **Space of Healing for Mama Earth begins in 15 minutes! Blessings!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 03:45:55 +0000

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