Lets Pray for all Persians ( Iranians) in Christ who are in danger - TopicsExpress


Lets Pray for all Persians ( Iranians) in Christ who are in danger due to their faith. Honorable Governments of Sweden and Norway: I am Pastor Bizhan Ussefi who has been ordained by the International Baptist Churches in Europe which is centered in Frankfort, Germany to preach and minister between the Iranians in Europe. This letter is written on behalf of the Iranian Christian refugees to the honorable governments of the Sweden and Norway. The Islamic Republic of Iran, in her life time, has brutally murdered more than twelve Pastors, and have Imprisoned, tortured and killed countless unknown Christians. Two of the presidents of the republic Islamic, Mohammad Khatami and Hassan Rohani, with their deceptive lies, have deceived the west and the free world that there is freedom of Religion in Iran. The records of Iranian Christians in prisons and those who have lost their life for being Christians, clearly shows that what the claim is false and lie. When a Christian Refugee is deported back to Iran, that means he or she will be punished according to the Islamic Laws of the Iranian Government. According to the Fatwa from the founder of the Republic Islamic, Ayatollah Khomeini, Christians must be punished and killed. If any government in the world deports one Christian back to Iran, that government is associated with the crime which the Republic Islamic of Iran will commit. Please do not deport the Iranian Christians back to Iran. The Islamic Laws are clear and those who are deported will be perished. There is an example, that the Norwegian Government has deported one Iranian Christian family back, but the father of this family is gone missing from the moment when they arrived at Tehran’s airport. In this link, there is the information about that Family: nrk.no/sorlandet/_-faren-sporlost-forsvunnet-1.11475412 There are many Iranian Christians in Sweden and Norway, and as an Iranian Pastor I would like to humbly ask you in the Loving name of Jesus Christ, please do not send (deport) Christians back to Iran. Sincerely Pastor Bizhan Ussefi E-mail: udfi@hotmail Tel: 0031-686203471عزيزان هم وطن اين نامه براي جلو گيري از ديپرت خواهران وبرادران مسيحيمان به دفتر اتحاديه اروپا در بروكسل ، دفتر حقوق بشر سازمانِ ملل ، وزارت كشور نروژ ووزارت كشور سوءد ارسال شده شما عزيزان ميتوانيد با به اشتراك گذاشتن اين نامه از عمل غير انساني اين دو كشور جلو گيري كنيد. فيض خداوند با شما باشد . – Faren sporløst forsvunnet - NRK – Sørlandet nrk.no
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 17:00:00 +0000

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