Lets be clear. Lets start with the crisp, crystal clear voice of - TopicsExpress


Lets be clear. Lets start with the crisp, crystal clear voice of the GOOD SHEPARD, JESUS CHRIST WHO said; John 10:27-30 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.” No one, means no one. No one includes false teachers. The phrase includes those who hate the gospel. It is inclusive of those who hate you because you LOVE the Gospel. No one includes angels AND demons. No one also includes SATAN, the king of demons and the father of lies. Jesus said...no one. Who are the SHEEP? Those who listen to HIS voice. Those who are seeking Jesus daily. Those who have committed themselves to Him and are putting their best foot forward everyday to be obedient to Christ. Those who have accepted his gracious offer of salvation, confessed their sins and have been baptized for the release of those sins. Those who LOVE his instruction and earnestly try from the heart to please God every day. Those who will one day stand faultless before the throne of the Almighty YAHWEH, right behind the brilliance of their great God and intercessor, Jesus Christ. Those who because of their flesh, make mistakes, blunder, commit sins that they wish they hadnt and are giving it every effort to overcome sinful habits and behaviors in their lives. Those who weep before God for two real important reasons; They fall short and they know it and secondly because they are overcome in the joy of knowing that Jesus who has never fallen short, has stepped up and taken up the slack for them and now they are the THOSE. The SHEEP. The ones that no one can snatch from Jesus hand! NO ONE The devil and his cruddy troop of evil demons can lie to you. They can mislead you. They can cause you to stumble. They can circumvent your spiritual growth. They can bring you suffering and misery. They can attack your thoughts and tempt you with everything imaginable but if you are a child of God, If you hear the Shepards voice, if you are straining toward Heaven with all that is in you, if your heart and inclination is to be a blessing in Gods eyes, no misstep, no mistake, no activity performed in ignorance, no doorway to hell or any creature that passes through it..., no one can take you out of Jesus hand. No preacher, no dogma, no condemnation doctrine, no judgement of man....Nobody; Nobody... No one. Oh and Jesus has a backup plan in case we in our ignorance might think he needs one. The FATHER, Jesus said, ..has given them to me. that is THE SHEEP, and (let the reader understand)...,..and the FATHER is greater than all. Wait a minute Jesus! How do we know you have the FATHERS backing? Because (vs 30), I and the Father are ONE. Good morning SHEEP.. Have a blessed day! No One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:31:27 +0000

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