Lets be honest, its darned if you do, darned if you dont. The - TopicsExpress


Lets be honest, its darned if you do, darned if you dont. The risks associated with infant and child feeding- because youre screwed no matter what! *Please note, this post makes use of two types of humor, one being sarcasm.* Nothing in life comes without risks. Yep, you’re facing being screwed or screwing up your kids no matter what you do! As parents all we can do is try our best to mitigate the risks our children face without putting them in a bubble. There’s risk to that too, what with BPA concerns, the possible damper on social skills development, and the need for oxygen. May as well let them live in the big bad scary world. Carefully weighing all the possible options, doing personal research, and making the best informed decisions we can according to our personal circumstances and resources means we have to learn to live with some risks. Regardless of how you feed your child, there are risks you face no matter how carefully you studied, planned, and executed your decision. Be it breastmilk straight from the tap, pumped breastmilk, donor milk, or formula and then eventually, before you know it, store bought baby food (organic or not), homemade baby food (organic or not), or baby-led solids, followed by McDonald’s Happy Meals, Whole Foods shopping carts, homemade, or homegrown; there are a few unavoidable risks to feeding your child. Read the 7 risks youre taking for feeding your child: theleakyboob/2014/06/7-risks-to-feeding-your-child-youre-screwed-no-matter-what/
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 21:43:38 +0000

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