Lets compare stories about what happened in Ferguson, Missouri to - TopicsExpress


Lets compare stories about what happened in Ferguson, Missouri to Michael Brown to another story. In Salt Lake City, Utah a police officer killed a 20 year old kid name Dillon on Monday. Read the whole article. Not once does the Salt Lake Tribune say the kid was white and the police officer was black, why? Because its not a race issue. Why is this not being reported? Why isnt there riots and disorderly conduct in Utah? In both instances a life was lost for no reason. But why is the media, the President, the Attorney General, celebrities, etc... only talking about one issue? Because its race driven, and if we continue down that path then race relations in this country will continue to be horrible because there are race baiters out their who make a living by inciting these things and adding fuel to the fire. Lets pray for both of these families that lost young men this week. Both these guys had a troubled past and probably did a lot of things they regret, but should they have been shot to death? Lets get answers not create more problems. RIP Michael Brown and Dillon Taylor sltrib/sltrib/news/58304981-78/police-taylor-lake-salt.html.csp
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:04:28 +0000

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