Lets examine, Being Consumed By Hatred ( Hebrews 12:15 ) - TopicsExpress


Lets examine, Being Consumed By Hatred ( Hebrews 12:15 ) New International Version See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many Hatred! is a deep and emotional extreme dislike. It can be directed against individuals, groups, entities, objects, or ideas. Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards hostility. It will absolutely consume you! Hatred is a ( poison ) that destroys us from within, producing bitterness that eats away at our hearts and minds! Bitterness is more than just a nasty taste in the mouth. Some psychologists think long-term resentment can become a psychological disorder. And studies suggest bitterness, and the feelings of anger and depression that accompany it, may be linked to health issues like cardiovascular problems and a weak immune system. Stress hormone cortisol, which has been found in many studies worldwide to directly suppress immune system functioning. When the immune system is not functioning properly, normal cells mutate into cancer cells which occurs over 6 specific and interrelated phases above. The more one suppresses toxic emotions , such as anger! throughout their life, the more susceptible they are to cancer manifesting within their body. Bitterness is a toxin that we prepare for someone else but then drink ourselves. It is a concentrated dose of emotional poison, often one that we carefully nurture and grow over the course of years. When we react to someones wrongdoing by withdrawing and giving free reign to daydreams of retribution and ill will, we are slowly poisoning our own hearts and minds. ( Ask ) God to reveal any signs of poison in your system. Then ( ask ) Him to help you administer a dose of the ( antidote ) of forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:06:18 +0000

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