Lets examine, Christians criticizing other believers! All - TopicsExpress


Lets examine, Christians criticizing other believers! All Christians, should keep their eyes off man/ congregation. And keep it on Christ! One of the major complaints of nonbelievers is that Christians are hypocrites. Those who don’t even know the great stories of the Bible, can tell you in great detail the stories of Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, and the preacher down the street who ran off with his secretary. It is one of the most common objections of an unbeliever, that he would be a Christian, but those who claim to be Christians don’t act like Christians! From the pulpit to the last phew, Christians have taken, backbiting to all new dimension. Time out for criticizing other believers because the way they dress or ( smell that would be the homeless) Time out for judging other believers, because of their current circumstances of being unemployed and cant stand the way, Babes in Christ praise and worship! Its time to take our eyes off another man servant and pray! Update at 10:41 am. ET: The Jerusalem Post reports that one person has died from injuries in a blast at a Jerusalem bus stop. The Associated Press quotes Israel Radio as saying the victim is a woman. Israeli police call todays blast at a Jerusalem bus stop a terrorist attack. One of the leading causes of death amongst teenagers is suicide. The Centers for Disease control report that it is the third leading cause of death, behind accidents and homicide, of people aged 15 to 24. Even more disturbing is the fact that suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for children between the ages of 10 and 14 Slavery still exist In Africa: Origins of the African slave trade Krsto Zrnov Popović ·104,927 Jul 23, 2013·scaruffi/politics/slavetra.html Slavery has always been part of Sudans history, but in recent years it has become a new means in Sudanese warfare. Since 1995 the John Eibner of the Swiss organisation Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has been buying the freedom of about 25,000 slaves for only U$ 50,- per person. These slaves are mainly women and children, captured as war-booty by armed forces of the Government of Sudan. Pray for me and I will pray for you!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 02:37:20 +0000

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