Lets explore the Quran to study some of Allahs beautiful sayings - TopicsExpress


Lets explore the Quran to study some of Allahs beautiful sayings to us. Allah says in Quran 13:3; And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set of mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed in that are some of the signs for a people who give thought. He further says in verse 16 of the same chapter that; Ask them, Who is the Lord of the heavens and earth? They will Say, “Allah. Say to them, Have you then taken besides Him allies not possessing even for themselves any benefit or any harm? Say to them, Is the blind equivalent to the seeing? Or is darkness equivalent to light? Or have they attributed to Allah partners who created like His creation so that the creation of each seemed similar to them? Say to them, “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Prevailing. Allahu Akbar. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except You yaa Allah. If you also bear that same witness then lets rely solely on Him bcs He is sufficient for His dear servants. Lets avoid going to so called Malams, pastors, idolators etc for any kind of help else our shahada is deficient. May Allah keep guiding our eemaan till Jannat. Aameen.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 08:37:42 +0000

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