“Lets face it Alan, we’re lost.” said Margaret. “We’ve - TopicsExpress


“Lets face it Alan, we’re lost.” said Margaret. “We’ve driven over this same stretch of road three times now. Let’s just turn around and go back. There must be someone we can get directions from.” Margaret is right as usual. Logically I assumed that if we kept going we’d eventually connect back with the highway we were on, but I am starting to recognize the scenery. We’ve seen it so often. I know it by its first name. I used to think it was a joke that men don’t ask directions, but now I’m not so sure. In any event, I turn the car around and after a half hour, I see a live human being. A fisherman. Actually one that I had waved to two times previously. I stop the car and ask him how to get to Oakland. He smiles and pretends he hasn’t heard of it. Then he says I expected you’d be back. As you are on an island and no matter how long you stay on this road, you’d only be going around in circles. He gives us directions to getting back to the main hiway, and within another 20 minutes we are back on our way. The rest of the trip is uneventful. Actually I really enjoyed the island drive. It was quite beautiful. It seemed as though we were back on the big Island of Hawaii where we had lived many years previously. There was a perimeter road that encircled the island which also had large stretches of road where we would see beautiful scenery and not another soul. That night I had a dream. I am a driver in some kind of demolition derby/obstacle course. There are hundreds of cars racing around the track. Every so often someone crashes. The rest of us gulp and are grateful it wasn’t us, and continue on the course. After a while I start to notice the scenery. At first I don’t realize I am on a circular course. The track is so long, that I thought I was going in a straight line. Now I notice that I’ve been over the same ground many times. I also notice that there is a small unobtrusive hut with an obscure sign. I remember having seen it several times, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. For some reason I sense that it is somehow important. I decide to see what the sign says, and somehow I am no longer on the race track, but am on the road where the old hut is. There is an old man standing there. He sees me coming and waves to me. I pull over. I notice the sign is very ancient. It states: Entrance. WELCOME HOME! Everyone MUST enter. However YOU decide when you are ready. “Hi, Alan”, he says. “I’ve been waiting for you. Come in.” He doesn’t say anything else but bids me follow him. I have the feeling that if I enter I would never leave. I ask him what this place is, and how does he know my name. And how did he know I’d be coming. He just smiles a big grin and doesn’t say anything. But it seems he is sending messages to my mind: “Alan you know what this is. The door is always open. You are always welcome. You can choose to enter now, or else you can go rejoin your buddies on the obstacle course and continue going round in circles as you were doing this afternoon as well as for the past 70 years. The choice is always yours. I’ll always be here waiting. That is my job. Everyone is always welcome. I refuse no one entry. Although many think they have to perform some superhuman tasks to enter, there are no entrance requirements. No tests. No one is barring the gate. ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT YOU FROM ENTERING. Then I awaken from the dream. Or perhaps I got it reversed. What I thought was the dream was really my awakening. And THIS is the dream.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:51:46 +0000

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