Lets face it, Im a failure at Facebook. Ive decided to serialize - TopicsExpress


Lets face it, Im a failure at Facebook. Ive decided to serialize my spooky story titled, The Sassafras Tree into five sections on Facebook. I did this because my first two suggestions flopped. I will post a segment every day for the next five days. *Warning do not read this story alone! The Sassafras Tree Once upon a time… Part One ~ The Grocery Store… Caroline watched as her mom grabbed a grocery cart and wiped it down with an antiseptic wipe. Suddenly her mom made an odd face. She smelled the wipe she was holding then through it in the little wastebasket. She smelled the air then leaned over and gave her daughter a big whiff. “Sweetheart, did you spill a root beer on yourself?” Before Caroline could answer her mom’s question a woman yelled from across the store. “Is that you Lisa?” said a woman steering a cart in their direction. “Oh hi Gladys, Lisa responded. “It’s been such a long time. How have you been?” “Busy, busy, busy,” Gladys giggled. “It’s so good to see you, how have you been?” “Three kids,” answered Lisa. “Need I say more? How’s your family?” “We’re doing terrific,” answered Gladys. “I thought of you yesterday.” “You did?” Lisa questioned. “Why?” “Did you happen to read that article in the Herald about the woods behind your house?” asked Gladys as she discretely sniffed the air. “No, I guess I missed it,” answered Lisa noticing her sniffing. “What did it say?” “Supposedly, people living around the woods have reported seeing some particularly strange happenings,” said Gladys as she checked out the floor. “Oh really,” answered Lisa as she wondered what Gladys was doing. “I saw them yesterday,” said Caroline. “At first I was very afraid especially of Milton who was real big, but then he got smaller. Milton was with Ed, and Yolanda and they are all very friendly.” “Are you Caroline? Oh my word, are you beautiful or what?” Gladys leaned over to address Caroline. “How old are you sweetheart?” She took a sniff and stood back up and smiled. “I’m four,” Caroline answered. “Yeah, she’s growing like a weed,” said Lisa. “So your family’s doing good, huh?” “Every one is just dandy,” Gladys answered. “How’s everyone in your family?” “Between Bob coaching a little league baseball team and Brenden and Issy being home for the summer we’re super busy. Gladys I’m sorry, I’d love to stay and chat, but we need to get going.” “No apology necessary. I understand Lisa,” said Gladys. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the root beer is, would you?” “Aisle seven I think,” Lisa answered as she pushed her cart toward the produce section. “Mom, why are Issy and Brenden staying home?” asked Caroline as she followed her mom into the produce section. “Because today is their last day of school then they get the entire summer to have fun with their little sister” answered her mother as she pushed the grocery cart into the produce section. “Issy told me that Brenden and her aren’t going to school anymore,” said Caroline. “Just for the summer, come over here,” asked her mother bending down again and sniffing her daughter once more. “Huh? What have you been into?” She stood up with a puzzled look. “Sweetheart Brenden and Issy are off for the summer, that’s all.” Her mother begins lightly squeezing the tomatoes puts a couple into a plastic bag then in the cart. She moves a few feet to the table with all the onions. While her mom peers at the yellow onions Caroline puts her feet on the front of the grocery cart next to the front wheels and rides backward facing her mother, “Does that mean they have to be with you and me all the time?” “Yes, of course,” said Lisa. “Don’t you like them hanging out with you and me?” “Huh sorta,” said Caroline. “I guess so, but it’s only for the summer right?” “That’s right,” answered her mother. “I’m glad you approve.” “How long is summer?” “Three months.” “Mom,” asked Caroline. “What is blue fruit?” “Blue fruit?” questioned her mom. “Are you talking about grapes?” “I dunno,” Caroline answered. “Do you want me to buy some?” asked her mom. “Okay,” said Caroline still riding on the front of the grocery cart starting to look bored as she and her mother meandered through the produce section of their local Safeway store. “Mom, what do cats eat?” “Cats eat cat food,” answered her mother as she looked over the bell peppers. “Oh,” answered Caroline. “So does that mean pigs eat pig food?” Her mother snickered as they stopped in front of the potatoes, “Caroline, why would you ask that?” “Because yesterday, I met three new friends in the backyard near the woods, and they said they were hungry,” answered Caroline. Her mother turned to Caroline and with a sense of urgency began to question her daughter, “What do you mean you met three friends near the woods?” “I was swinging, and they came out of the woods,” answered Caroline. “Exactly who came out of the woods?” asked her mother seriously. “I met Milton first he was real big but as soon we started talking he began to get smaller,” answered Caroline watching her mother. “He’s friendly, but he’s a little funny looking, and he’s kind of purpley.” “He’s purple like a grape?” asked her mother pointing to the grapes she just put in their cart. “Is he that color?” “Not that purple?” answered Caroline. “Did he look like Reverend Hopkins?” asked her mother. “No,” answered Caroline. “Reverend Hopkins is an African American. Milton looks like a big giant doll who is very nice.” “Were there others?” “Uh-huh. There were two others,” Caroline answered. “Who were they?” asked her mother as she gave her youngest daughter her undivided attention. “Well,” Caroline began to explain. “There was Milton then there is Ed, and Yolanda. Yolanda is the reason I asked about what cats like to eat.” “Excuse me sweetheart,” said her mother. “Are they homeless, does this woman want to eat cat food?” “Mom, Yolanda is a big gray cat who kept asking me if I had anything to eat,” Caroline explained. “You met a talking grey cat?” asked her mom with a sigh of relief. “Uh-huh,” answered Caroline looking at the food in the cart. “Really?” “Uh-huh,” Caroline answered again as her eyes began to well up. “Are you mad at me?” “Oh, no honey,” responded her mother as they began walking down the soft drink aisle. “I just wanted to make sure you were safe that’s all. Tell me more about what you saw.” “Yolanda is a nice cat, but she’s nosey,” said Caroline. “Yolanda and Ed act like Nana and Papa. I think Yolanda worries about Ed.” “Ed?” questioned her mother. “Is Ed another cat?” “Ed’s a real big fat pig that hangs out with Milton and Yolanda. I’m not sure, but I think that Ed is a old pig because he acts like Papa,” said Caroline. “I think Milton and Yolanda worry about Ed because he’s kind of sick.” Her mother turned away from Caroline as if she’s looking at the potato chips hiding her almost overpowering urge to laugh. When she regained her composure she turned back toward her daughter, “Sweetheart, don’t ever lose your imagination,” she leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Okay,” she answered playing with the food in the cart. “Milton looks like that,” said Caroline pointing her finger at a four pack of Izze soft drinks. “Oh really,” said her mother. “Milton is turquoise?” “Yup that’s what he looks like,” answered Caroline. “Is that bad?” “Of course not sweetheart,” said her mother. “All colors are beautiful especially turquoise. Caroline and her mother finished grocery shopping, picked up Brenden and Issy after school and went home.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:43:25 +0000

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