Lets face it some of the information people give out within - TopicsExpress


Lets face it some of the information people give out within Spirituality is absolutely BONKERS! :-D In theory its fantastic like a good episode of Star Trek, but not very practical, sensible or even responsible. No wonder to some this heavily loaded word is enough to send them skipping in the opposite direction. Haha is there any escape from Spiritual Dogma!? I suppose because reality is subjective, the answer is NO ;-) Having spent many years within this community, mingling with teachers and students alike you can readily reach a state of spiritual disillusionment with the BS detector going off, left, right and centre. Just now Ive been reading an article about improving eyesight holistically (which I do believe is possible but not like this) with the author encouraging people to stare directly into the Sun (this recent craze is also known as Sun Gazing) with no information about what time of day is preferential to do this, no guidelines, and no suggestions or warnings shared about the possible long term permanent damage you can do to your eyes. The article received 50K+ likes and counting. This is the power our Belief Systems can hold over ourselves and the mass collective. There are no shortage of Limiting Beliefs within the Spiritual field or any field for that matter. Simply put theres no way for you to not be making a difference in your life, on your street, on the loo, or in the world. Every choice you make, is making a difference to you, or something/someone within our vicinity. Sun Gazing can and will cause sun spots or sunburn to form on the eyes, can lead to cataracts and eventual blindness. If something doesnt feel good to you, I dont care if mother Teresa wrote it - who I love btw :P - dont do it. TRUST your internal guidance system. It is there for a reason! Jus sayin ;-)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:29:15 +0000

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