Lets get real for a minute. Its true, the Autoimmune Protocol can - TopicsExpress


Lets get real for a minute. Its true, the Autoimmune Protocol can be extremely challenging, especially mentally. As if Paleo wasnt already restrictive enough, it may seem like you will never be able to eat normal again. Its often that mental hurdle that keeps people from taking the plunge at all, even though they might realize deep down that the Autoimmune Protocol really could help heal their symptoms of their condition. I know it was really hard for me to accept, and when I first started, I legit had a temper tantrum a couple of times because I had to give up eggs and nightshades. The good news is --- Strict AIP doesnt last forever. In many cases (including mine), if you put in the work and are strict AIP for a period of time, you will be able to reintroduce those foods you gave up, and lots of the time you will find that your gut has healed, and you can tolerate those foods again. I missed eggs in particular SO MUCH. I went without them for such a long time, and eventually I was able to reintroduce them back into my diet. Now, the question is, how long does it take? Unfortunately the answer is a little different from person to person. To help answer those questions, and also to clarify how to go about reintroducing foods, Eileen Laird -- an AIP Expert -- wrote an awesome post on our site this week about the topic. She explains how this reintroduction process is a scientific experiment, and the more you can control the variables, the better the results. If you have been struggling with these questions, we hope you give this post a good read! bit.ly/X6scV7
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:50:00 +0000

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