Lets get serious for a moment. I have people ask all the time, - TopicsExpress


Lets get serious for a moment. I have people ask all the time, is this going to be hard, will it require a lot of work & time, will I be uncomfortable, or they express to me, you know Im really busy. Often in my position I feel the need to exert some tough love. Lets face it, WERE ALL BUSY, we all are going through situations & tough times. These days you cant get by or ahead by being lazy or just settling & accepting. You have to get up & you have to actively & deliberately pursue what you want to achieve & make choices & decisions on a daily basis, may that be: advancing in work, getting financially stable, bettering your health, raising a strong family, building & maintaining a healthy relationship, preventing further health issues or taking the best care of yourself & making healthier changes today. If things were easy or didnt require work, first what would we learn? How would we be stretched to grow & mature? Things that are easy DONT last, things you work hard for do, they become habit & routine, which equals change! Imagine sitting in a job interview & expressing the same questions above to a potential new boss. What attitude & character traits are you putting out there? If you expressed to a future boss, is this going to be hard, will this require work, Im really busy. What impression do you think that boss will have about you, your work commitment & work ethics? If you want something bad enough, you have to have the mindset that youll succeed & achieve, that not only will you face any obstacles that arise, but youll overcome them too. You have to speak with confidence & a belief that youll do whatever it takes to get to where you want to be- the same goes for you health! Of course getting into a new routine will require work, you may be uncomfortable for a little (but that helps you stretch, grow & learn more about yourself) it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so the first month is sometimes the most challenging as your body adapts to new changes & rids itself of ways you may have mistreated it. If youve had people continuously speak negativity & doubt to you, itll take time to mute those voices & replace those insecure thoughts with positive reinforcing ones. If your mindset, before you even start is asking, will this be hard then you are already putting it out there that you are doubting your ability to do this, that if its slightly hard you dont want to do it- speak with confidence, dont be afraid of change or tackling something that may be hard. Its the things that are hard at first or for a period that are worth pursuing & sticking it out for long run. Let me ask, what in your life is easy? If you want a quick fix, something that wont last, if you dont want to understand your body & learn what & why you are putting certain things into your body, of you want to remain where you are or never knowing what you can achieve,if you want to continue on the same yo-yo plan thats kept you depressed, stuck or frustrated then no thisll be easy, everything you pursue will then be easy, because youll most likely give up after a week or so & be exactly where you started with no further knowledge or understanding of what you really need to be doing to achieve the goals & lifestyle you want. If you want something different, yes itll require work. Itll require mental strength, itll require you believing in yourself, pushing yourself past the limits youve set for yourself, itll require making outward changes, may that be eliminating toxic people or relationships in your life, changing your habits of where you go to socialize, or what you eat, drink or listen to. Either be someone that GIVES UP or that GETS UP!!!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:03:35 +0000

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