Lets get this straight, as much as I dislike TSM (fanbase, team, - TopicsExpress


Lets get this straight, as much as I dislike TSM (fanbase, team, management etc). I can still look at things objectively. TSM has made excellent roster swaps this season and had an impressive performance in regionals. Worlds is a whole different caliber, teams will exploit your weaknesses. For TSM, those weakenesses lie on their ADC and their jungler (depending on which champion he is on). As much as you may think Turtle is an excellent ADC, hes one of the bottom tier ADCs in the tournament. Corki/Nami lane is a lane that 100% wins versus Janna/Tristana. Janna has a very lackluster level 1/2 and Tristana isnt exactly a strong early game ADC. SHRC picked Rengar and have one of the best ADCs in the tournament. TSM shouldve lane swapped or at least left Corki top with Nami/Ryze bot lane so he can scale more safely. They shouldve also lane swapped to be able output more pressure onto Insec. If you let a Rengar freely in his jungle that is what is going to happen. Other than that props to SHRC really, they played to the strengths of their comp perfectly, avoided the huge mid game power spike that TSM had. Colas TPs were on point
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:48:48 +0000

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