Lets just stop all the political correctness and just be honest - TopicsExpress


Lets just stop all the political correctness and just be honest shall we? The narrative of these protesters goes something like this. Cops, and in particular white cops, ride around in squad cars actively seeking out young black men in order to gun them down. For no other good reason except that they are white and in so saying then, must be inherently racist. Am I correct in saying that? Isnt that the narrative which lies at the core of the issue here? And further, at least according to certain officials, that there is still a racist ideology inherent in all white people, for that matter. Really? The truth is is that these same people touting this inherent white racism would themselves, not dare venture into certain all black neighborhoods on any given hot summers night for a stroll with the wife or girlfriend.. On any night for that matter! Yet there is not one all white neighborhood in this entire country where they, or any black, brown, yellow or white, man, or woman, wouldnt feel safe doing the same damn thing! Why is that? Its because they, and everyone else with a brain knows that certain all black neighborhoods, as well as some Hispanic ones, covering vast areas of any given city, are akin to the Old Wild West! Thats why! Street gangs, young black men by the thousands, now make up well armed and organized drug dealing criminal organizations that rule the streets in many of our nationss inner cities! Their own black neighbors huddle in fear after sundown and never go out unless its absolutely necessary. Whats worse is that thanks to the past and current crop of idolized gangsta rappers and their rap music lyrics, lyrics which urge young black men to reject decent acceptable paths to life (the white mans game as its called) and instead, Get Rich, Or Die Tryin, its spreading! Now even those black youths not raised in major inner city urban ghettos are doing their damnedest to imitate them! Many now to the point where they have to try even harder at being a real gangsta, than their idols in the inner cities! And a big integral part of being a Gangsta is carrying a gun and fighting the Poo-leece. Thats how you get street cred! Its no different than young whites in times past wanting to be like James Dean and Marlon Brando. A youths need to rebel, just taken to a whole new and dangerous level Cops know all this. So does most of America, if youre paying attention. Hell, no one knows the truth of it all better than Al Sharpton and the race baiters! Just watch one of these reality shows such as Cops and you can see the truth of it! Theres no cops prowling the cities seeking out their prey. Actively searching out young black men to gun them down. If there were thered be a whole lot more dead than the statistics show! Are there bad cops who do have a hard on for blacks and use their authority as a weapon of sorts? Of course there are. But the truth is? Racism comes in all colors. All one needs is to hear the words, and see the actions of black men like Sharpton and this President to know that. Racism is not something which only white people have a lock on. As for the police? Sure some are bad, but tell me? Can you name one profession where there arent? Men with bad attitudes and intent? All there is, for the overwhelming part, are just average men (of all colors!) who are out there trying to do an impossible job. They are the thin blue line that stands between you, and the growing crime and lawlessness that is our nation today. My advice to those who think the majority of police are racist, or just doing an abysmal job and misusing their authority for whatever reason? YOU GO DO IT! Be a real mensch! Piss on just protesting - really just something to do. Quit whatever job youre doing now and go be a cop! Dont just stop at protesting. Hell, thats not gonna work. If you really believe in your convictions? Then put your actions where your mouth is. YOU go out there and try and face down some real gangsta who doesnt want to be held accountable for his crimes! One that is probably packing something and is looking for some top of the line street cred by bashing in your skull! YOU go do that job! Day in, day out. Dealing with the scum of the human race on a daily basis. As your job! As your JOB, MAN! Every day seeing some of the worst of our species and what inhumane things they do to others - every single day! And then get off, put all that aside, and try and go home and be Daddy and husband. That, while the people you put your life on the line for, to try and protect, are out there calling you the vilest of names, and accusing you (with no real proof) of being a predatory racist. Most because its just sooo cool to be protesting like grandma and granpa once did back in the 60s. Like I said. Lets truly STOP this ludicrous notion of political correctness. That self censoring ideology weve all been infused with. And instead start seeing things, and people, for who what they really are. Then open your mouth and start telling it like it really is! Before this whole thing we call our country goes to hell in a pretty pink & green striped Easter basket!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:01:57 +0000

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