Lets look at just this much: Its said that ants and bees - TopicsExpress


Lets look at just this much: Its said that ants and bees communicate by passing chemicals to each other, but I doubt if this is the kind of thinking that will lead to being a good moral citizen. Though there is every evidence that most of their members are just that. Dont mistake morals for justice. We tend to think that morals are a higher human development, but are they? Edward O. Wilson (youtu.be/1It7lVtJel0) tells me morality evolved as instinct. Which of the censors and motivators should be obeyed and which ones might better be curtailed or sublimated? Referring to ants, Wilson once said that Karl Marx was right, socialism works, it is just that he had the wrong species, meaning that while ants and other eusocial species appear to live in communist-like societies, they only do so because they are forced to do so from their basic biology, as they lack reproductive independence: worker ants, being sterile, need their ant-queen in order to survive as a colony and a species, and individual ants cannot reproduce without a queen and are thus forced to live in centralized societies. Humans, however, do possess reproductive independence so they can give birth to offspring without the need of a queen, and in fact humans enjoy their maximum level of Darwinian fitness only when they look after themselves and their offspring, while finding innovative ways to use the societies they live in for their own benefit. Mostly our human moral rules are prescribed for social order meant for the us of me and mine -- for them and theirs all bets are off. Thou shall not kill people within our community. Thou shall not steal from people within our community. (The definition of people has evolved over time. For centuries Native Americans, Blacks were not considered people. More and more other species, especially dogs and cats are being considered to be people.) But as far as killing and stealing goes everyone and everything outside of our community is fair game. Though theyd be condemned if acting upon our community, the good Christian or Muslim soldier who kills the enemy is said to a hero. And the same for stealing natural resources from foreign lands to enhance our lifestyle. And dont think there are any natural borders as to who we are. The rich and powerful make their own rules. The president can of his own accord command drones to kill his own citizens. [content.time/time/world/article/0,8599,2097899,00.html] The CEO of JPMorgan Chase can devise and conceal clever scheme to steal billions with impunity. [rollingstone/politics/news/the-9-billion-witness-20141106]
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:58:54 +0000

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