Lets look at this southern region the USA. Trayvon Martin Of - TopicsExpress


Lets look at this southern region the USA. Trayvon Martin Of Florida: Police and legal system cover up and dismiss all incriminating evidences;Kendrick Johnson of Valdosta same region,police and legal system cover up evidences of crime;Willie James William of Valdosta Police and legal system covers up evidences that prove murder,Torey Breedlove of Florida shoot 100 times and the police and legal system covers up all criminal evidences on part of police, Jack Lamar Boberson of WayCross still same southern region, his mother call 911 for medical assistance the police came and shot him 5 times, Police and Legal system covers up all criminal evidences.WE CANT KEEP PLAYING THE WHITE MANS GAME BY HIS SELF RIGHTEOUS RULES THAT AUTOMATICALLY CONDEMNS BLACKS AND AUTOMATICALLY JUSTIFIES WHITES.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:35:22 +0000

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