Lets look at what it means when we speak of a revolutionary - TopicsExpress


Lets look at what it means when we speak of a revolutionary healing approach to healthcare. On a spectrum of progressive stages of social change, which I will put forth as Inform, Reform, Transform, we begin with Inform~ the need to raise consciousness, educate, and empower ourselves and others regarding healthcare and well-being. The more you learn the more you may critically evaluate our disease-care system and engage in exploring/formulating alternatives. This leads many people to the Reform stage~ making an effort to change the system so as to integrate new practices that support a more expansive understanding of wellness and healthcare delivery (i.e., working to get holistic healthcare covered by insurance, lobbying for medical marijuana, etc.). Reformists typically work with, and within, the system to change it through progressive initiatives (i.e., the Affordability Healthcare Act, developing non-profit health-related projects, etc.). Then, for those who believe the system is beyond repair/reform, we move to Transform ~ creating an entirely new model of healing, well-being, and service. The revolutionary is one who is dedicated to transformation: creating new steps of change outside of the established paradigm (i.e., guerrilla healthcare, barefoot doctors, activists engaged in needle exchange/condom distribution, etc.). Of all the love revolutionaries I have known, Patch Adams is the most intelligent, dedicated, and joyous possibilitarian, offering an inspired vision of what healthy systems of care might look like. Give a listen:
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 22:21:21 +0000

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