Lets re-cap a little on the previous appeal case back in March a - TopicsExpress


Lets re-cap a little on the previous appeal case back in March a bit on why Anwar lost. Anwar had initially filed with the court that he would be using the defense alibi that he was never there during the sodomy incident and had lined up 14 witnesses to prove this. But for some strange reason, the defense dropped the entire alibi during the first day in court. (this point is passionately made in this video by Zulkifli Noordin, who is also a lawyer) Here, prosecutor Muhammad Shafee Abdullah explains: Shafee further noted that while Anwar had claimed to have witnesses to support his alibi, none were called to the dock. “He already gave an alibi, said he wasn’t there (at the scene). But the defence team called none of them. And the defense’s alibi was later dropped not even with a whisper,” he said. Anwar’s list of 14 witnesses, which included his wife Wan Azizah, were all available, Shafee added. “If any of these witnesses had been called, they would not have supported his case,” he concluded. “The (alibi) defence is not bona fide. The defence was raised dishonestly; when they were confronted evidence of videos, CCTVs (of Anwar being at the scene), they dropped the entire defence (of the alibi).” Shafee’s final point was that it was impossible for Pereira to have obtained Anwar’s semen himself to plant it as evidence. “Where is he going to get the respondent’s semen? There is no suggestion that [Anwar] has donated his semen in the sperm bank. And while I’ve heard of raining cats and dogs is possible, I have never heard of it raining semen,” he quipped, to laughter from the gallery. “Even a normal person protects his own semen. And here we have a dignatory who has the whole country conspiring against him; of course he would be careful with his semen.” He added that Pereira also had to be clever enough to obtain Anwar’s semen sample at the right time. Shafee said while the seal of the box containing the evidence was tampered, individual packets of samples in that box remained sealed and intact. He pointed out that Anwar’s foreign expert Dr David Wells was unable to confirm that the sample itself was compromised. Shafee further noted that doctors had confirmed there was penile penetration in Saiful’s anus. “The doctors concluded without a doubt there was penetration. All these are not hearsay. All were cross examined,” he said. He also added that injuries may not necessarily occur during sodomy, especially when lubricant “such as KY Jelly” is used. “The semen has to be particularly fitted to the transaction of four or five days,” Shafee told the Court of Appeals. “So how did the sperm get into Saiful’s anus? The defence could not explain this, they explained it by attacking the expert witnesses,” said Shafee. “This appeal has got to be allowed, the respondent has to be found guilty. ( pinjam dari kwn Lim Sian See )
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:19:10 +0000

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