Lets realize that we are part of something greater, we matter, we - TopicsExpress


Lets realize that we are part of something greater, we matter, we can make a difference. Lets choose to act for life and know that whatever the choices it transmits, it affects, it impacts and makes a difference. Open up to the thought that we impact and matter in the whole universe. That our choices matter not only here on our planet but we are all connected, we are part of a bigger organism than our mind can grasp. I chose not to study philosophy in my early years for that one reason - I was afraid of what I would need to open up to looking up into to carpet of stars - would my mind be able to conceive what was out there and why I would be here. Lets not hesitate just because we are afraid of our viewpoint would change. The world is NOT flat. There is more. Now many years later, meditation for more than 20 years, studying global economy, leadership, entrepreneurship, sustainability, ethics, having traveled the world, worked on global companies, met so many great people, having researched the work of quantum physics, spiritual masters, now being an expert on energy management to optimize the lives of people, transform the leadership in irganizations and to transform the energy into more than just something we use for ourselves, but to teach we can build that energy and share our energy, achieving greater results and make the world a better place. Then it starts to Mage sense why we are here, why we are good at something, why we are exactly where we are supposed to to be. Then lives unfolds and miracles unwrap. In the more spirituals tea of my life using my intuitive and mediumisticallly capabilities to support personal and organizational growth transforming energies of people, places, and performance, working with spirit contact, past life/future life regression (if not holistically taking people beyond, my work can also been connected to contact with other life forms in our universe - when necessary and useful. I see the ultimate capacity unfold for my eyes in individuals and in organizations. Everything I feared when choosing not to study philosophy has come back to me multiplied by trillions, we need to think bigger, take a bigger responsibility, make our life matter in a larger scale and allow our minds to start to see the works and the universe in a new and more updated version. Yet the irony of things is that it all come down to our everyday choices - it all comes down to the words of Gandhi: Be the change you want to see in this world. Thats all... Be aware and make conscious choices and we will all see the miracles that unfold. Have a great day. Best of energies, Christel
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:16:03 +0000

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