Lets recap or revisit: Father-Jesus Mary/Son-Jesus Mother-Son of - TopicsExpress


Lets recap or revisit: Father-Jesus Mary/Son-Jesus Mother-Son of Jesus Spirt-Lives within us Humans-To dirt we are made and dirt we also go... Fatima-gift of prophetic vise, it means according to revelation that Fatima is a word that is given unto those with ears. Ears that are shaped for heavenly hearing. Just as the story I told when Jesus asked, "Who called you?" The shepherd took it as, "A person called him and they were too loud?" There are certain people on this EARTH, who are gifted in spiritual prophesy, there are about 10% of the people in this WHOLE world who understand and relate to FATIMA...why because it is of HEAVY REVELATION..some people are like YEA right. What is about to happen is this is about to be incorporated in much of the works that God has worked through us...and what happens is there will be proof upon proof before this book even hit the market...Now let me quickly explain the difference between FATIMA and REvelation..If these two work together at the same time, it is powerful..almost an explosive revelation from GOD. Fatima is more specific and Revelation is more general. Neither of these traits are given freely nor are these traits something that you can go to school to learn...IT IS A GIFT...How do you know you have a gift...IF YOU CAN interpret languages you have never seen, given visions of Jesus himself, and if you can speak and boom...What it is not..IT IS NOT SOOTH SAYERS or psychics...they will never have this gift..they focus on your life, not the word of God...for instance they say in 12 days you will..with the gift of FATIMA and Revelation it is God said, these people never function on their own thoughts..nor yours, God protects those gifted with this by saying, "Your thoughts are not mine!" So IT IS not psychics...some people with it are leaders in the church and some are normal people like you and I...but it is powerful..it is not analyzing the verse already created it is new meanings...FATIMA & REVELATION IS STRONG...It is a small thing with LARGE implications..it is said to take you places you never imagined and be in company with people you never dreamed for what people see they know it is from GOD...it is just that specific..I am finished for now..stay tune as we do our book study!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 21:01:56 +0000

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