Lets see how long my status stay up before one of my sisters take - TopicsExpress


Lets see how long my status stay up before one of my sisters take it down (Renee Barthel). Well I have tried once again to be the bigger person and put an end to whats been going on between my mother and I and as usual you know who steps in where she does not fit and causes chaos. I called my mother last night to talk with her but some how the phone conveniently kept getting disconnected and I could hear Renee in the background fussing (go figure). So today I decided to drive out to her house and talk to her face to face without being disconnected but to my surprise you know who (Renee) would not allow her to come out of the house and talk to me therefore she called the police and had them escort me off the property for no reason what so ever. They didnt even understand why she called them cause all I was doing was sitting in my car waiting to talk. And like I told the officer I refused to go inside cause I had more sense than that being that it was three of them in there and it would have been my word against theirs. I was commended for doing just that and I left. Anyone who knows me know that Im not a violent person and that I like peace in my life. But for them to act like the cowards they are and run away from the truth is so silly. Lets make this a lot clearer, just because I was diagnosed as being bi-polar does not classify me as crazy. But my mom and sister seem to think so therefore they are somewhat afraid of me. Thats not my cup of tea! Yall are going to have to face God and answer to him on judgment day not me because I keep reaching out and all yall do is talk about me and belittle what feelings I may have. Well the buck stops here. I will no longer sacrifice coming to family functions to avoid yall just to keep the peace. Its finna be the other way around now. You will see me and you will get tired of me and go home and be the cowards that you are. The root of my depression runs deep and it involves how I see things factually and then yall tell me and try to convince me that it didnt happen. Well hoopty doo! Now run tell that.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:26:35 +0000

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