Lets see if I can do this without creating any spoilers: The - TopicsExpress


Lets see if I can do this without creating any spoilers: The Walking Dead. I see comments from time to time from people who watch the show and often times I wonder why some people are watching the show at all if they find it to be too much. The last episode had something happen which has some viewers saying the writers went too far. Personally, I disagree. In many ways, I think they go just short of where they need to, and I mean that about the story, not the gore. You can have horror and intrigue without tons of gore. (Though I dont mind a bit now and then, mind you. ) The story tells the tale of survivors in a zombie apocalypse. Think about that for a second. Just imagine how well youd actually deal with that situation were it to happen in real life. And yes, I know a lot of people who think itd be kinda cool, and theyd survive and so on. But honestly, how horrific would that be? Running out of food, shelter, ammunition... Zombies seemingly all over. And other survivors who may not be handling things as well as you are (supposedly). Not only would you have to worry about zombies coming across you as you sleep (and all other times of the day), but looters. Other people who would kill you to steal your gear or food. Someone who might decide that rape is now an okay thing. Or murder. Or torture just to see... People who might have lost touch with reality, or just decide to shoot everything that isnt them. There would be danger everywhere. And not just from outsiders. From people in your own group. Someone who slowly cracks, and cant take it any more. Someone who had a condition that was kept in check with medication, but they run out and dont tell you because they dont want you to cast them out. People who make honest mistakes and shoot you because they thought you were a zombie because you walk in your sleep. There are all kinds of things youd have to worry about, but one thing would be for sure. Many old rules would have to be revisited. In the show, there have been a few moral voices. And often they dont seem like fan favourites. I think this goes to illustrate what Ive been saying. Morals of the old world dont always apply. Viewpoints of good and bad would change out of necessity. Things you used to think were true would be gone. So when they show things happening on the Walking Dead series, things that seem excessive, or cruel, or too shocking... maybe you need to watch an end of the world show that resembles Little House on the Prairie instead. Because by its very nature, any End of the World show is going to be be unsettling if you want it to portray some sort of realism. Social deterioration stories are mostly interesting to me when they make a point about Human Nature, which, in pretty much every good story Ive come across, they do. The end of the world is a backdrop, it could be zombies, nuclear war, climate change, you name it... hell, it doesnt have to be the end of the world... Look at Lord of the Flies! The point to these stories is to show us how quickly society can breakdown in the face of hardship. How some things dont seem to hold up, when this paper thin shield we use to hide behind is ripped apart. These tales are meant to make us ask ourselves how would we fare? Would we really still cling to politeness? Civility? Kindness? Or would our survival instincts take over and reduce us to an every person for themselves level? Or, perhaps, they would shape some of us to adjust somehow, blending instinct, old beliefs and something new in order to survive. If a show that holds up these kinds of questions by showing us how terrible a situation portraying the end of civilization, a horrific scenario no matter how you slice it for some, is too shocking or scary for you, then do yourself a favour and watch something else. And stay away from my camp if the shit ever does hit the fan. Youd probably be one of those people who would snap that I mentioned before. No thank you... What the hell were you expecting from a show called the Walking Dead anyway?? End of ponder...
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:44:35 +0000

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