Lets see, they put Aluminum in your deodorant , mercury in your - TopicsExpress


Lets see, they put Aluminum in your deodorant , mercury in your fillings & shots, lead, chlorine & fluoride in your drinking water, Sucrose, Aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, & other harmful chemicals in your GMO food, medicines get taken off the shelves every year due to toxic side effects, They allow radiation into the atmosphere, oil to spill into the oceans, fracking pollutes our drinking water, plastics which hold our food and water leak toxic chemicals, they blame weather manipulation on global warming, cell phones cause tumors, laptops, tvs,even refrigerators leak harmful EMF radiation,Our currency is nothing more then debt notes we borrow from a foreign bank known as the federal reserve (which hardly anyone is allowed to know who owns that private bank called the Fed), Bankers, corporate CEOs & politicians all get caught lying & stealing and yet none go to jail while a poor person gets 5 years for smoking cannabis (Which by the way has been told to cure cancer and other illnesses), they have created the Patriot act and the NSA which can legally spy on everything you put on your computer, cell phone and other devices, The NDAA is a law passed that Allows the president to be able to detain or even kill Anyone (Including Americans) without even a trial or even proof, Obamacare makes healthcare into mandatory insurance to steal more of our wealth, the dollar has been intentionally deflated and has lost 97% of its purchasing power since the Federal reserve was created in 1913,They Borrow trillions of dollars and give it to the rest of the world and bail out greedy banks and corporations (Which WE pay back with our taxes) while millions of Americans are on food stamps or some other social program, we are told that we are a Wealthy nation & yet we are almost 17 TRILLION (Thats $17,000,000,000,000) in debt, the media is nothing more then a propaganda machine which no longer has any journalistic integrity And last but not least we went from a REPUBLIC to a Democracy and we are slowly forming into a Socialist society & the people are so fast asleep they have no clue what that means & there is no way any of them will ever explain it to you..... And you think they are on YOUR SIDE??? :0 WHAAAAAAA?
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:53:25 +0000

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