Lets take a look at Kaaba: Kaaba is the shrine in Mecca where - TopicsExpress


Lets take a look at Kaaba: Kaaba is the shrine in Mecca where millions of Muslims go each year for the HAJJ - the march around the shrine. (Photo of HAJJ around KAABA - the black cube in the center). Muslim claims about the Kaaba5 1. Muslims call Kaaba, Baitullah - the House of God (even though the Temple in Jerusalem was His house in the Old Testament, and true Christians are His Temple in the New Testament.) 2. They say Kaaba was ordained by Allah. (Although nobody ever knew it for 4,000 years. Mohammed thought of it first.) 3. They say Kaaba was patterned after Allahs House in Heaven - Baitul Maamoor. (Many Bible writers had glimpses into Heaven. This is NOT what they saw.) 4. They say the Prophet Adam was the first to build this house, and Abraham and Ishmael rebuilt the shrine on the original foundation. (Moses tabernacle in the wilderness was the first in the Bible.) 5. They say Allah ordained Abraham to build a shrine when He allegedly ordered him to take Hagar and Ishmael. (Abraham did not TAKE her. He SENT her away.} And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. Genesis 21:14 6. God sent Abraham to Mecca (Makka) (Hagar and Ishmael did not live in Mecca. They dwelt in the wilderness of Paran.) And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt. Genesis 21:21 Note: Paran is the same wilderness Moses and the children of Israel wandered in, near Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula. Some Islamists have attempted to redefine Paran to force an ancient association with Mecca, but this cannot be. Paran is hundreds of miles Northwest of Mecca. 7. Ishmael and his descendants have always been the custodians of that shrine. (Not true, for the same reason given above. They did not live there.) 8. Abde Manaf (Mohammeds grandfather) and Hashim (Mohammeds father) promoted annual pilgrimages to Kaaba in Mecca, and provided hospitality for the pilgrims. (The Kaaba was known far and wide for pagan idolatry in those days.) 9. Kaaba at that time was the worship center of over 300 pagan idols, in keeping with hundreds of years of tradition. (Adam and Abraham NEVER had anything to do with the Kaaba in Mecca.) 10. Muslims believe Kaaba was 4,000 years old when Mohammed conquered it. (Yeah, right. Its been rebuilt dozens of times in the past 1300 years.) 11. Mohammed Ibn Abdullah (the prophet) returned to Mecca from almost nine years of conducting brutal tribal wars around the region, killing Arabs, Christians and Jews. 12. Mohammed entered Mecca in January 630 and captured the Kaaba, removed the idols and declared it the House of Allah. (Did the people REVERENCE him or were they TERRIFIED by him??) 13. Muslims claim that Hagar and Ishmael are buried within the walls of the Kaaba. (There is no reason whatsoever to believe that. It is a myth at best, and diabolical revisionism at worst. There is no evidence of any kind anywhere in the world that Hagar and Ishmael are buried there. Besides, the building has been torn down and rebuilt countless times.) CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE KORAN AND THE BIBLE: These are JUST A VERY FEW of the major conflicts between the Koran and the Bible.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:43:27 +0000

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