Lets talk a little bit about pain. As a Strength & Conditioning - TopicsExpress


Lets talk a little bit about pain. As a Strength & Conditioning Coach I work with Clients with different levels of pain on a regular basis. Its important to not only know the types of pain they feel but when they feel it and for how long... Pain is one of the bodys first warnings that something is wrong... Discomfort, however, is NOT always pain. Pain is the body warning you that something is going wrong or something is injured or about to become injured so we NEVER IGNORE PAIN... Discomfort usually comes in the form of a burning sensation and is generally known as Lactic Acid Burn and is the byproduct of the actual biological processes of the muscles doing work... This discomfort we tend to try to work through and try to push past it so that over time it takes longer and longer to get that feeling... After an exercise if the lactic acid burn still persists we can generally make it subside with some repeated movement with no resistance just to flush fresh blood into the area and thus flushing out the lactic acid. If this persists then a good massage should do the trick... SHARP PAIN SHOULD NEVER BE IGNORED... Sharp pain is a warning that something is being stressed too hard or that something is already wrong... If you experience sharp pain when doing any exercise STOP and assess your situation... If the pain continues after the motions are stopped then I highly recommend that you see a doctor and get a good, professional assessment BEFORE GOING BACK TO THAT EXERCISE... If the pain stops when you stop the exercise then you may have avoided injury but you still need to take heed to the pain. When you try the exercise again, does it hurt again? Does it hurt worse? Does it continue to hurt now after you stop the exercise? If any of those are answered yes then you should again, in my opinion, contact your doctor. In some cases a few days or a few weeks of rest may be all that is needed but never forget that pain because it is a sign of some sort of issue brewing in that area and sooner or later it will become an issue if you are not careful... There are so many variables to this that I could literally go on for days about it but the main message here is: NEVER IGNORE PAIN... le mot du BEAST
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:31:24 +0000

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