Lets talk about Facebook for a minute because it seems some people - TopicsExpress


Lets talk about Facebook for a minute because it seems some people have a hard time grasping the concept. I like Facebook for various reasons and Im sure you do too, if not, why are we here? There are some really genuine people on Facebook - I can proudly say I am one of them. What you read, what you see is who I am, what I believe in and what I stand for - just that you might find me a bit friendlier in person or the opposite - quite stuck up depending on what attitude you approach me with. That said, why do some people stress themselves out about what people post on their profile pages? Oh, I know some of the posts can be so annoying, revolting, narcissistic and just controversial. If you dont like them, use the UNFRIEND or BLOCK button. Also, dont believe everything you read about people. Especially the ones that take photos of their friends houses or pose next to other peoples cars just so you think they are living a fabulous life? Heres my favorite one that cracks me up all the time - the grown men who take selfies every minute. Where are their wives and girlfriends?.....hey, Im just sayin but I like it though. Keep them flowing :). Then you have some insecure people who look at all these things and cry in their beds, God why not me? Are you serious? Life is not a competition and you have to run your race not someone you see on Facebooks. Have you been to their home? Seen their bank account? Come on! Facebook is just what it is - a social outlet to share, inspire, motivate, educate, grow, destroy, defame......please add on to the list. Dont take it personal! This is just a summary of conversations with various people about Facebook. Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:47:24 +0000

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