Lets talk about History, shall we? Arabs say the Land is - TopicsExpress


Lets talk about History, shall we? Arabs say the Land is theirs.... Scientific (archaeologists & historians) say something entirely different. 1220 BC - Egyptian Stela (Merneptah Stela) - mentions Israelites and fighting them in Israel. 1200 BC - Oldest Jewish Synagogues in Israel. What is already proven by known... again, known historical facts. 600 BC - Babylon (Iraq) defeated Israel. King Nebuchadnezzar takes Jews into Slavery.(Found in Babylonian Chronicles). 530 BC - Persia (Iran) defeats Babylon. King Cyrus the Great releases Jews back to Israel. (King Cyrus the Great had many Jewish wives-- Esther). 330 BC - Greeks (Greece)- takes over Israel. Hellenistic period of Israel with Greek influence. Jews allowed to live somewhat in peace. Jewish Synagogues were built because there was no Temple. 30 BC - 300 AD - Romans (Europe, et al) takes over Israel. Jewish King Herod is in charge along with his family for much of the Roman period. 2nd Temple built on the Temple Mount. Christians come on the scene*****(Jesus and his followers). Jewish Revolution. 70 AD - Romans destroy most Jewish places of worship. 300 AD - 630AD - Byzantine Era - (Mostly Christian controlled Israel). 630 AD - 1100 AD - Arabs FINALLY show up - Build Dome of the Rock, Al-Aqsa Mosque, on the Jewish Temple Mount. 620 AD - Muhammeds night journey from Jerusalem to Mecca. 1100 AD - 1250 AD - The Crusades - (mostly Christian controlled). 1250 AD - 1500 AD - Mamelukes - Jews suffered greatly (Black Death). Jews were not allowed access to any of their Holy sites. This is the same period when most Jews left Israel for Europe and the New World because of Mamelukes (Arab) persecution. 1500 AD - 1920 AD - Ottoman Empire - Jews allowed some freedoms (still controlled). 1920 AD -1948 AD - British Mandate. 1948 AD - State of Israel created by United Nations. Wow.. looks like you Arabs are really the 3rd kids on the Israel block from a real historical point. 600 BC - Jews already there. 30 AD - Christians (mostly former Jews) on scene in Israel. 620 AD - Muhammed shows up.. First Mosque are built in Israel.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 20:25:35 +0000

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