Lets talk about misused comparisons! Womens only gyms exist - TopicsExpress


Lets talk about misused comparisons! Womens only gyms exist because men have an undeniable history of being creeps, and women have a legitimate need to be able to workout in an environment where they can feel safe. Even if there was a way to compare a womans gym to a barbershop, RAB still allows women to sit in their shop while they wait for their son/boyfriend/husband to get their hair did* so if anyone is going to claim that men feel as justifiably afraid/uncomfortable getting their hair cut around women as women can working out around men, to make a proper comparison they must then find an all womens gym that still allows guys to come in, sit on chairs right beside the spin class, engage in banter with the women that are exercising but not try to ride the stationary bikes themselves because it is a man-free environment (even though it is really confusing because everyone was very cool with them being around until the point where they asked to do the same thing everyone else was already doing). * I have been a happy customer of RAB for years. Ive gone to them for close to 10 cuts/beard shapings, and there have been women waiting on someone 1/2 of those times. It has never compromised the vibe of the shop. In fact, Evie and her partner had been allowed into the shop weeks prior while her partners nephew was getting his hair cut, and that was when she decided that she liked the vibe of the place as well as the quality of service that they offered. This only became an issue when she went from sitting on a chair, waiting on a man to have their hair cut, to asking to access the exact same service for herself. She wanted a hard part, not a perm. It would have been pretty easy to pull off, and her sitting in the barbers chair (as opposed to the chair three feet away from it waiting on someone) would not have made the slightest difference. As far as the argument that she could go to Iron and Beauty (and please understand that I love Iron, and frequent them as well but facts be facts) if she wanted a great hard part in a trendy atmosphere, I present this comparison: Tailors typically deal with creating, and altering mens wear. If a woman were to go to one wanting to have some pants hemmed (which is a service that they offer on mens pants, and many offer while you wait service for) but was told to go to a seamstress instead (because they deal in creating, and altering womens wear) even though she would have to pay twice as much, and wait several more weeks to access the services of someone who is busy making dresses, that would seem ludicrous. But there is as much a difference between the cuffs of mens and womens pants as there is between a man and a womans scalps when they are both asking for the same style of haircut. This whole thing has gotten wildly out of control. The fact that Evie has been receiving death threats, and that the tone of a lot of RABs support has been so aggressive (including a comment I read where someone wished that she would be shot in the uterus) definitely reveals that this is a deeper social issue than just someone not getting the haircut that they wanted. The craziest part of it all is that the owner/operator of RAB in the Yukon (the business that Regina RAB was modeled after) has publicly announced that he welcomes any woman that wants to get a mens cut that he specializes in, and has offered Evie one on the house of she ever makes it up that way. How has the apple fallen so far from the tree?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 03:16:11 +0000

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