Lets talk about the chest muscles and Fighters, specifically - TopicsExpress


Lets talk about the chest muscles and Fighters, specifically punching. Ive diagrammed this before but I will do it again for this story. A good punch starts from the calfs, runs up the legs to the quads, slightly through the hamstrings, right through the glutes into some full core action and from there slightly into the chest, heavily through the front deltoid, the triceps and finally the forearms... There is a specific part of this compound move that comes from the front deltoid... There is also a small part of the pectoralis major that connects to the clavicle that moves the humerus a bit differently than the rest of the chest which is connected to the sternum... This clavicular head actually helps and simultaneously moves the humerus bone the same way that the front deltoid does in the sense of the movement of a punch... Now I have designed and use weekly an exercise that isolates that clavicular head of the pec and strengthens it... So now we take one of the major muscles used in a good punch, the front deltoid, and add another muscle to help and back it up... We have now added 3 things to that Fighters punch: - more explosive power - more strength - more endurance By adding more muscle mass to the action we have made the action more explosive and and made the movement of the shoulder joint that much easier in that direction... If you have questions about this exercise, my thoughts or my methods please feel free to contact me. I have so many people using this exercise it is in no way a secret. If you doubt what I say about helping My Fighters punches... Go right ahead and ask them yourself... le voie du BEAST!!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 01:42:59 +0000

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