Lets talk about what I learned in China, part II.... This week at - TopicsExpress


Lets talk about what I learned in China, part II.... This week at the hospital we saw a lot more of the same type of thing but it really is interesting to observe everything that goes on. People do not even seem to be depressed when they hear they have cancer. That saying “it takes a village….” is really true here, each person diagnosed with cancer comes in with their whole village, they have amazing support here, no one is alone. They also exercise a lot more here, which lifts depression... depression is very, very low here. The other thing is that some older patients don’t know that they even have cancer because the family members decide that they don’t want the doc to tell them. This is not necessarily even a bad thing because the patients don’t give up on themselves, where it is bad is when they allow the cancer to spread all through their body because they don’t want to give that family member chemo or radiotherapy because then they will find out that they have cancer. And again the docs don’t promise to “cure” anyone, but even the patients that are on their last legs are not bed bound. They have energy, they are laughing and enjoying their last days with their families, instead of leaning over the toilet vomiting, with no hair and no energy. That is very interesting to me! As well as the patients that do get “cured” the ones using Chinese medicine have a much less chance of recurrence, according to the docs I have spoken to! One more interesting thing here is that a lot of the western doc also do not believe in TCM. I have heard stories of Western docs getting angry and yelling at both the patient and their TCM doc for getting the patient better via TCM treatment and not following what the western doc originally prescribed?????? The other funny thing in the out patient rooms is that when we come in, all the patients have to stand up for us. We get priority of the seats not the patients! Though the chairs we have to sit on were so uncomfortable…..we literally went home with bruises on out butt bones by the end of the week, I would have been more than happy to give the seats to the patients! I got to see the one thing I was dying to see, and that was point injection in the acupuncture ward!!! This is where they fill an injection with herbs or vitamins and inject them into acupuncture points. The most popular ones are ones, one hand width below your knee on the outside of your leg ST36 and the other, one hand width above your outer ankle bone GB39! It was very, very cool to see, this is used a lot for cancer patients but the patient we saw this performed on was a MS patient. Stay tuned for more from China...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:11:33 +0000

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