Lets talk carbs and clear up a few things for you guys. 1) - TopicsExpress


Lets talk carbs and clear up a few things for you guys. 1) CARBS ARE NOT BAD Carbs are quite the opposite, they are good. If carbs were bad for us then the planet would not have provided them as the earliest forms of food for humans. Im not sure if youve noticed, but ALL wild animals on the planet eat food according to what the planet provided in their environment. Humans are no different, this is what we call The Food Chain 2) WHEN YOU SAY YOU EAT NO CARBS, PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. People say theyve given up carbs, but then reel off the words bread, sugar, pasta and potatoes. These are 4 carbs ... not ALL carbs ok. Carbohydrate is found in fruit, vegetables, legumes and beans. It is also found in rice, quinoa, millet and so on. What you mean to say is I eat no bread, sugar, pasta and potatoes. 3) WE ALL NEED CARBS We have wonderful energy factories in our bodies and they need the by-products from your carbs and your fats to work. When you leave out an ingredient you will get less than optimal energy production. If youre trying to burn fat, yep, even you need carbs to get those little energy factories working. The amount of carb you need depends on your constitution and your oxidation capabilities. And well, you probably need a top level coach like myself who understands that stuff. Remember Dwight and Heather? Two clients who burn fat BETTER with increased carbs. 4) HONOR YOUR BODYS CARB NEEDS ... DONT TRASH IT What this means is what type of carb are you choosing to judge? You cannot judge a banana against a banana muffin. You cannot judge an apple to an apple pie. You cannot judge wholewheat against white bread. Honoring your body means giving it what it needs - which are carbohydrates with high nutritional value. Trashing your body means giving it carbs it doesnt need, sugar spiking, additive laden, health depleting items. Similarly. If good carbs like beans/lentils make you bloat and fart and uncomfortable, honor your body by not eating such discomfort, and again seek help in why your body is reacting in such a bad way. 5) WHEN SOMEONE/THING TELLS YOU THAT [INSERT NATURES CARB] IS BAD - IE FRUIT, CARROT, ETC Tell them to come and publicly post that shit on my wall so I can educate them. Im sick to death of hearing about demon carrots. Carbs. yum. My fave is kumara, always gives me a lovely tingly good feeling. Tastes epic with steak, salad and a basic vinaigrette.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:21:53 +0000

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